Chapter: 62

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Song for this Chapter: Everything Has Changed; Taylor Swift feat. Ed Sheeran

Chapter: 62

Wednesday; March 3, 2021


My uncle told me Harry wanted to see me yesterday, I wasn't ready. Not yet, don't think I'm ever going to be ready to face him. I'm embarrassed, for what I saw for what he did to me.

I did get out of my room that afternoon and ate since I was starving. At least my uncle respects the way I think, he doesn't push things out of me. Unlike my grandpa, he thinks I'm being childish.

He loves me, he just thinks differently.

Today was just another day. I wonder if Harry is going to keep insisting. It's two in the afternoon and I haven't heard from him. I frown suddenly worried, hurt maybe.

I decide to go out to ask my uncle if Harry has even showed up.

I stop before walking down the stairs as I see Harry talking to my mom. I quickly duck down and hide but look over.

He hands her this beautiful bouquet of white roses to my mom.

"Can you please tell her to meet me tonight at seven at our special place?" Harry asks her. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Special place?" My mom grins holding to the roses.

"Yeah, she knows what I'm talking about," he smiles proudly.

"I will tell her," my mom nods with a smile.

"I'll be there waiting for her, if she doesn't show up by eight, then I'll leave her alone for good."

"I'll inform her Harry, thank you," my mom smiles and gives him a hug as he steps out.

Our special place...

My lips curl up into a smile.


I hear my mom and quietly rush over to my room as I sit on my bed. I look over as she walks in with the bouquet.

"Harry sent you these," she grins wiggling her eyebrows.

I take them as I smell the roses.

"Poor guy, hear him out sweetie," she adds. "Your uncle explained to me and it wasn't his fault—"

"Mom, stop," I glare at her. "I don't care, that's not what I saw when I walked in."

"Because Casey kissed him, that kiss only lasted like a second."

"Mom you weren't even there."

"Harry told Victor and he believes him and so do I," she sits beside me frowning. "Give him a chance. He is really upset, he's been coming over to talk to you. I can tell he loves you."

I take the card out from the roses as I set the flowers aside and read the card.

"What does it say?" My mom smiles.

"I'm so sorry. Let me explain. Our special spot tonight at 7pm. I'll be waiting, my Anna. Your Hazzie."

"Awwe," my mom chuckles. "You going?"

I huff and rip the card into pieces as my mom gasps.


"I don't want to hear it!" I get up running my fingers through my hair frustrated. "I don't believe him."

"Give him the benefit of the doubt and listen to him," she gets up and shakes her head disappointedly.

"I'm not going. He said if I'm not there by eight then he'll leave me alone, right?"

"He didn't say that in the card," she raises her eyebrows. "You were eavesdropping weren't you," she smirks as I just roll my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm not going. And he'll leave me alone."

"That's what you really want?"

"Yes," I scoff.

"I'll put these in water, I'll have them in the living room. You might cut the roses into pieces as well," she grabs the white roses walking out.


I have been waiting for almost an hour. I fix my green coat and grey sweater. I check my watch as it's almost eight.

She's not coming.

I let out a sigh putting my hands inside my coat's pockets and start walking to the parking lot, but I stop as soon as the familiar car stops to the side.

Savannah gets out as she waves over to her uncle and rushes towards me. My eyes are nearly popping out of my sockets as I stare at her shocked.

"Y-you came," I say breathlessly.

"Y-yeah sorry," she says. "I barely made it, you were about to leave, weren't you?"

"Y-yeah. It is eight after all," I raise up my wrist with my watch as I let out a chuckle. She smiles nodding. "Savvy about what happened—"

She puts her forefinger over to my lips shushing me.

"My uncle explained to me. I believe you. I'm sorry, I was just not wanting to believe you, but it is not your fault. Casey is such a bitch so," she smiles pulling her hand back. "Thank you for the roses by the way, they are beautiful."

I smile nodding.

"They don't compare to your beauty."

"Stop being so cheesy," she giggles.

"You like it," I smile looking down shyly.

"I'm really sorry for not believing you. I'm glad I gave my uncle that chance to tell me what really happened, and my heart tells me that's how it happened."

"It is," I grab her hands looking down at her as I take a step forward. "I went looking for you. Casey lied that you were there and well you know what happened. I just wanted to tell you what happened that night at the dinner with your family."

"Don't worry about it," she says. "It's forgotten." She wraps her arms around my torso and buries her face on my chest hugging me. I smile wrapping my arms around her tightly hugging her back.

"I love you."

She looks up and smiles.

"I love you too."

I grin widely and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear as we stare into each other's eyes for what seems an eternity when it was just a few seconds. I lean down brushing my lips with hers lightly kissing them. Closing my eyes, cupping her face and moving my lips against hers. Kissing her.

She responds merely as her hands move up to my chest. The heat of the kiss rises, and soon we find each other back in my place. In my room.

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