Chapter: 49

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It's been long I know :) I'm here to update for you my loves ❤❤

This chapter is dedicated to -diosa since she's back! I missed you so much :) love you friend 😘


Chapter 49

Tuesday; February 9, 2021


I can't believe what happened with Niall. Yesterday morning I woke up to him being gone but he left a note he was meeting with the guys but to feel at home and he would be back soon.

He was as he brought food from Panera Bread. He sat beside me and ate and we talked. It was amazing as if he was my actual boyfriend.

The one I'm with, is just horrible.

I tried ending things with him but he wouldn't let me.

Being with Niall makes me feel safe, I'm scared to tell him and I'm more afraid to stay with him. I don't want to involve Niall in my problems and get him hurt in case I'm found.

But I'm done running away.

Niall informed me of Harry's plans which confused me since he is the one that left Savvy, that broke up with her and hurt her. Niall claims how Harry feels bad about it. Distance was too much for him to handle and now that he is back, he doesn't want to let her go ever again.

"Just like I don't want to let you go ever again either."

He has told me as he would hold to my hand staring into my eyes.

I have been in love with Niall for so long that if I was that shy girl from high school, I wouldn't know what to do at this moment. I'm more confident now, I'm just not confident enough to stand up to my boyfriend.

Today we were invited to hang out at Ash and Louis' place. Niall was kind enough to buy me clothes which I would reject but this guy takes no for an answer.

I let out a sigh getting ready and wearing the outfit he bought me. It was a cute dress which went a little above my knees. I wore heels and curled my hair more so the curls would be more evident.

I put on make-up and was good to go.

Niall was waiting for me downstairs as he was on the phone taking care of his business since he has not been going to the office. He's been wanting to spend time with me, afraid I would run away again.

I make my way downstairs as he finishes his call then turns around his eyebrows raising and jaw dropping.

I can't help but blush and roll my eyes at him with a chuckle.

"I was right, no one else could have wore this better than you," he says cheekily. I giggle walking over to him as he takes my hand raising it up kissing my knuckles. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks," I blush looking down shyly. "You don't look so bad yourself."

"Aha," he let's out a laugh. "Let's go shall we?"

"Mmmhm," I grin linking my arm with his. "What's the special occasion? Aren't we just hanging out at Ash and Louis'?"

"Yup but we are celebrating."

"Celebrating what?"

"A lot of things," he winks as he leads me out to his car.


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