Chapter 1: Months After...

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Hi, you guys! Welcome to the sequel of Light In You.

In case you didn't know already, this story will tie into the events of the anime series. However, I may or may not skip some things and I may change the way the characters get information on certain things. Most importantly, the pacing my be different also or even the order of how things actually happened may be altered also. For example, a certain event may take longer to happen (get stalled) or there may be a few extra things happening in between point A and point B just so this doesn't feel like you're reading the show lol.

I'd hate to feel like that also when we could just watch the series so I'll try to throw twists in every so often. Also, the characters ages are a year older than what they originally are bc my dumb self didn't pay much attention to the series and thought Naruto, Sakura and them were 17 by the time the pain arc happened and 18 by the time the war either began or ended. Basically, it was too late for me to change their ages from my first story so...

Naruto is EIGHTEEN in THIS story! Lol, I know I messed up but it is what it is.

Anyways, I've literally watched the whole show once so please excuse me if I mess something up. Don't worry though cause I installed crunchyroll just in case 😂


t's a secret fanfiction of this book, just set in a high school setting. Think of it as Konoha High

Anyway, I bring to you: Heart In You


Chapter 1: Months After...

"Sasuke killed Orochimaru, huh?" Shikamaru placed his hands in his pockets as he, Naruto, and Sai were several miles outside of the village gates, sitting on a large log.

"That's what Granny said! Soon, we're going to be rounding up my team and Kiba's in the hopes that we detain Itachi so we can get information out of him, ya know?" Naruto answered as he was very tuned in the conversation and sitting between the other two, "We haven't gotten any news on Sasuke since that time he, Nia, and I was in that weird ice castle and got thrown into those teleportation boxes! That was back when Nia and I went on our first date for crying out loud!"

"You're right... it has been a while... but that's going to be a difficult task. I would think you'd need a bigger squad than just two teams..."

"Kakashi-sensei thought so also but in the end, I heard him say we'd be too easily detected with that many people on a single mission." Sai told the two as he placed his arms through his book bag.

"I see... he makes a good point."

Naruto raised his fist near his chin and clenched it with determination, "Well, when we find Itachi, I'm gonna make him spill out everything he knows about Sasuke's whereabouts and everything else the Akatsuki is hiding!"

"You really just can't seem to give up on Sasuke, huh Naruto?" Sai nonchalantly responded to his words.

"Of course not! Not now, not ever! Sasuke is my best friend! The Leaf is his true home and no matter what happens or how difficult it may be, I swear I'm gonna bring him back here! I have never ever forgotten about him!"

Sai smiled, "You sure seem to forget about him whenever Nia's around."

"GAH!" The blonde suddenly felt his heart drop and felt his eyes dramatically water as his shoulders heaved, "Why the heck you gotta bring her up, Sai? Now I can't get her out of my mind again! It's been two weeks since I've last seen or spoken to her! My poor Nia... she must be so lonely without me back in the village. I miss her way too much, ya knoooow!"

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