Hey! Sigh, so bich mom is back. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Ok I'm good now... I think. Anyway so ya she's back unfortunately. Good thing is I now get to dye my hair blue, hound her for therapy, and... ya thats about it. Bad thing is the minuet I see her I wanna rip off her head, we start arguing the minuet she comes home and blames it on me that were arguing, she launches into her whole ' we need more strong women in this world! I chose the name Katharine because it was a strong name, I didn't think Conner was a strong name. I know you'll grow up to be the strong woman you are. We need... ' Gods can she just shut up! Anyway when she was talking 'bout my cousins issue with lying and going through other peoples stuff she said ' I know you and your sister are great... individuals ' leas she's learning not to step on the gender bomb when she wants something from me. But ya we got into it about piercings, tatoos,
Confusion, FtM journal
RastgeleI cut my hair short cuz I wanted it to be like a guys. But everyone still told me I looked pretty. I bought a binder only for cosplay. I ended up wearing it every day. I am a boy. So why does everyone see a girl...