Chapter 2

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-One week later- Carlisle

Ever since we found out that our little Aiyana was our imprint, she's been so spoiled by both Esme and I.

Esme has been more passionate, motherly and loving towards Aiyana. I've become more protective and possessive over my little family.

I watched lovingly as Esme sat in front of the incubator, looking at our imprint and Aiyana held her finger as she stared up at Esme weakly.

"Why isn't she getting bigger? She's still the same size from when I took her out of Bella" Esme exclaimed worriedly.

"It seems that she is mostly human, she likes human food more than blood" I said.

"Edward's venom got to her and slowed some of her growth and her lungs" I added. She looked sadly at her.

"When should we tell the others?" Esme asked.

"We could do it right now" I said. Esme smiled and nodded.

"Guys can you come p here for a second" I called. Soon everyone was in the room. I saw Bella for the first time in days. I saw that she was holding Renesmee , who was squirming.

"She's been a little restless these days"  Bella said.

"I think I may know why" I said and Esme moved to the side to reveal the incubator.

Their eyes widened and Renesmee reached out towards Aiyana with a smile.

"How did I miss her?" Edward questioned.

"Since Renesmee is more developed, she could have easily blocked Aiyana" I said.

"Aiyana? You named my daughter" Bella said glaring at me.

I growled at her. Edward was looking at me intently. He searched my mind and his eyes widened.

"Bella, she's their imprint" Edward said. Most of them gasped. Bella whipped her head to Edward.

"You mean..." Bella said sadly. Edward nodded. "She was literally born for them and they have a strong bond with each other, not us" He said sadly.

Renesmee started to cry, Aiyana shifted slightly but didn't wake up. "Can she see her?" Bella asked timidly. I nodded with a smile.

She walked up to the incubator with Nessie in her arms. Renesmee looked happy as she stared at her baby sister. "Yana" She mumbled looking down at her sister lovingly. I smiled at the sight.

Aiyana weakly shifted but stayed asleep. "Let Aiyana get some rest ok" Bella said to Nessie, who nodded her head. She leaned down and kissed the incubator.

Esme and Alice awwed at the love she had for her sister. They soon left the room.


I weakly opened my eyes to see a beautiful woman standing over me. I felt safe when I was in her presence.

"Aw my precious baby" She said softly as she gently rubbed my back. I instinctively moved closer to her but whimpered from the pain. She stopped worriedly.

"Carlisle!!" She called. A few seconds later a man entered the room, he was so handsome. "What's wrong?" He asked the lady.

"She whimpered when she moved" She said. He looked down at me. "Are you in pain, Little one?" he asked. I nodded my little head weakly.

He gently took me out of this clear box and laid me gently on his chest. From that moment on, I loved begin in this man's arms.

He felt warm but cold at the same time.

He sat down in a chair with the lady beside him. She stroked my hair softly as she laid her head on his shoulder while smiling.

'They must be my mommy and daddy' I thought to myself. Mommy stopped stroking my hair and Daddy looked down at me confused.

"Did you hear that?" Mommy asked.

"Yes I did. Was that you, Little one?" He asked. I was confused. 

'What are they talking about?' I thought. Mommy gasped. "She has a gift" Mommy said in awe. I snuggled into Daddy's chest.

-Few mintues later-

I rubbed my Aiyana's back as she slowly drifted off to sleep on my chest, her little tummy was full of warm milk.

I started singing a lullaby my mother had taught me when I was young.

She seems to love the song as she went to sleep peacefully. 

Carlisle leaned on the doorway watching us, his eyes filled with love and I grinned at him happily. He chuckled silently at me.

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