Chapter 6

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-2 Months later-Aiyana

I finally grew, I was still very small. Ren look about 7 and I was the size of her calf. I still can't talk ,but I can walk.

I have a bed now, even though I barely sleep in it. I'm always sleeping in someone's arms or in Ren's bed, she always steals me out of my bed to cuddle with me.

I found out my powers. I can levitate, Telekinesis, I can paralyze someone with a single look, and I can do the same thing like Ren almost. The paralyzing power came up when Jacob tried to take Ren away from me. He fell flat on his face unable to move. I'm still mad at him till this day for trying to take Sissy.

Anyways since it was snowing, me and Ren are going out to catch snowflakes. Mama was dressing me up all warm. "We wouldn't want you to come back sick" She said and kissed my nose.

I giggled. Soon I was all situated and she put in my tubes and picked me up, I cuddled into her as we went to downstairs.

We stopped by daddy, who smiled at us. I smiled showing my small teeth and he kissed my hair. Mama reluctantly gave me to Bella, who was beside a Jumping Ren.

"Let's go Mommy" Ren said. I waved by to Mommy and Daddy as we went outside. Jacob transformed into his wolf and Ren for in his back. I stayed on Bella as she ran to a clearing. She placed me down in the snow and I twirled around looked at the snowflakes falling.

Me and Ren built snowmans, had a snowball fight, and made snowangels. I giggled as I rolled around in the snow. I looked up and saw these two snowflakes falling down.

Ren must've saw me looking and she jumped up catch them. She came back and put themmy gloves. I stared in awe at it the amazing details of the snowflake. "Aren't they pretty Yana" Ren asked getting the snow out of my hair. I nodded smiling up at her.

Suddenly something didn't feel right. I felt like I was being watched. I saw Ren looking at a mountain top. I didn't have vampire vision like her but I could clearly see someone standing there even just barely.

We went back to Bella. I hid behind her legs with Ren. "Mommy who is that" Ren asked. "That's Irina, our cousin" Bella said. "Let me go talk to her" She said and ran off. A few minutes later she came back with a stern face. "Let's go" She said.
We entered our house. Mommy came and picked me up. "Did you have fun, Sweetie?" Mommy asked nuzzling my nose against hers. I nodded happily, shaking the snow out of my hair in the process. "Glad you two had fun, Let's get you two some hot chocolate" Mommy said taking me and Ren in the kitchen.

I smiled patting my full stomach. I concentrated in the cup and it floated into the sink. "Good Job Yana" Ren said grinning. I smiled happily.

We went to the living room where I saw everyone talking. They stopped and looked at us. I ran to Daddy and hugged his legs. Daddy picked me up with a smile and kissed my temple.

"Did you have fun, Little one" He asked. I nodded happily and touch his cheek. 'We made snow angels, had a snowball fight, made a snowman and we caught two pretty snowflakes, it was good until we noticed a woman staring at us' I thought to him. Daddy frowned at the information but he soon smiled and kissed my cheek.


After getting warm and in comfy clothes, I was sitting in between Mommy and Daddy on the couch. Daddy had hung up the phone. "Eleazar said he will talk to her when she gets back, she'll come around" Daddy said before putting his arm around Mommy. They both looked down at me. I cuddled into them.

-Next Day-

Everyone was currently residing in the living room. Esme and I played a game of Chess,while our little princess sat on Esme's lap, eating orange slices ,while  watching our game intently. She was so adorable.

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