Chapter 24

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-Two weeks later-

After spending a few weeks at the hospital. The Pneumonia was gone but she still had a fever. Her temperature is 102 but we could take her back home. She was sleeping in Esme's arms as we left her room. I signed her discharge papers. We left the hospital.

Esme put her in her car seat and sat in the back with her. I smiled and drove home.

After a few minutes, we arrived home. I got out quickly to open the door for my girls. Esme got out with our sleeping Princess in her arms.


I paced in front of the window, looking for the black Mercedes. "Nessie all this pacing is giving me a headache" Jacob said. I looked at him. "I haven't seen my sister in two weeks, I miss her" I said.

"Just sit down and calm down, she-" He got cut off by the front door opening. Grandma and Grandpa came into the house. Grandma was holding my sleeping yet flushed baby sister. I smiled happily. "Can I put her too bed" I asked hopefully. Grandma smiled  and placed her in my arms. I kissed her heated forehead and went upstairs.


We all sat in the living room. Esme and Britney were in the kitchen. "Carlisle we need to talk" Edward sighed. I noticed his facial expressions and knew this wasn't good.

"What is it?" I asked. " think you should send Aiyana away" Edward said slowly.

My entire world stopped. "Why" I asked calmly. "It's not safe for her to be here right now" Rosalie said glaring at the kitchen.

'Britney' I had a sudden thought. I could see Edward nod, confirming my thoughts. 

"She's gotten too jealous and her mind is filled with ways to hurt Aiyana" Edward said. I tensed. "Her emotions are filled with Hated and envy" Jasper added.

"I don't think Esme and I can handle sending Aiyana away" I said. "We can't send Britney back, even though we really want too, she knows our secret. We just don't want our little sister hurt" Alice said.

"When she gets better I'll think about it" I said.

-Few days later-

"What do you mean that we should send Aiyana away" I asked in tears. I didn't want my baby to leave, especially when she just got better.

"We should send her to the Denali Coven" Bella suggested. I immediately shook my head. "We don't trust Tanya around her" Carlisle said rubbing my arms.

"How about the Egyptians" Emmett suggested. Edward scoffed. "Amun might not give her back" He added.

We're running out of suggestions. "What about the Volturi" I suggested. Every head turned towards me. "You want to send her there!?!?" Renesmee said.

"Marcus is her Protector" Alice said. "Plus she misses him" I added. "Well let's send her there" Carlisle said dreadful and went to make the phone call.

-Next Morning-

I sat between Mommy and Daddy.

"Sweetheart how do you feel about going to Italy" Mommy asked.  I smiled. "Isn't Muffin in Italy? Can we go see him?" I asked. They smiled down at me.

"Princess, the Volturi will be keeping you in Italy for a while" Daddy said.

"Why? You don't want me anymore" I asked sadly. "Honey don't think like that, it's only for your safety" Mommy reassured. "B-But I want you to come with me" I whimpered.

I don't want to leave them. "As soon as we handle the threat we'll come and get you" Daddy said. I nodded and he kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me and Mommy.

-Next Day-

Mommy held me in her arms as Daddy stood beside us. Everyone stood around looking nervous. I held Mr.Panda in my arms. "How long will she staying with them" Jacob asked. " A few weeks" Daddy said. I sighed, Mommy kissed my head snuggling me close.

Everyone's head perked up at the door. Daddy tensed and so did Mommy. Then someone knocked on the door. Daddy walked to the door and opened it.

"Hello Aro, Caius, Marcus" Daddy greeted. "Hello Old friend" Ado said as he stepped into the house with the others.

"Muffin" I called out. He turned this head to me and smiled slightly. Mommy giggled and set me down. I ran to him and hugged his legs.

"I missed you" I said smiling up at him. He chuckled and picked me up. "I've missed you too" He said. I hugged his neck burying my face in his hair.

They talked for a few minutes before we had to leave. I hugged all my family members. I hugged Mommy and Daddy longer. I let go reluctantly.

"Little One" I heard Muffin call. I waved at them before flying into Muffin's arms. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. We went to the Black SUV.

-Few days later-

I noticed something as the days went by. I noticed Mom wasn't smiling as much as she usually does. I haven't seen that brat Aiyana in days. I'm jealousy that she was Mom and Dad's imprint thingy. I hate how close she is to everyone. I hate her pretty blue eyes. I hate her long Chestnut colored hair. I hate how her smile brightens up any room she's in. I hate how nice and sweet she is. I hate everything about her. She makes me sick.

I went downstairs to find Mommy coming in the house with a vase of lillies. "Mom where's Aiyana" I said curiously. She tensed and looked down at me with unshed tears. She put the lillies down and ran upstairs.

Then the front door opened, in came Jacob and Edward. "What happened?" Jacob asked. "I asked her about Aiyana" I said. They looked at each other then looked down at me. Jacob walked away. Edward crouched down infront of me. "Aiyana went to Italy for a while" He said. I grew angry. 'How come she always get to go places and I don't, She went out of the country' I thought. In the middle of the my rant, I didn't hear Edward growl.


I paced in front of the PC. I kept looking at it every once in a while. I sighed and sat on the couch.

"Esme she'll call, she probably eating up a storm I'm Italy" Alice said. I smiled.

I heard the front door open. I saw my Husband enter the room. He smiled and placed a tender kiss on my head.

"How was work" I asked. "Tiring" He sighed out. I kissed his cheek to comfort him.

Suddenly the Skype noise went off. Edward clicked the button. Carlisle and I sat infront of the PC. Then my beautiful baby popped up with Marcus.

"Mommy Daddy!!" She greeted happily. "Hi Princess" Carlisle said. "So we get no love" Emmett said hurt. "Hi Teddy" She giggled. "Hi everyone, I miss you all" She said.

"We miss you too, we stuck here with Demon Seed" Renesmee sneered out. Marcus chuckled. "I amused It's the other human she's talking about" He said. We nodded.

"How are you liking Italy?" I asked. "Oh Mommy I love it here, I've spent most of the day my time eating all the yummy food they have" She said. We smiled at her happiness.

"Guess what" She said. "What" Jasper said.

"I have a new power!" She said happily. We froze. She already have so many.  "Can I show them muffin?" She asked Marcus. "You already did it so many times today, I don't want you to faint again" He said.

"She fainted? What happened?" Carlisle asked. "It was after she used her new power" Marcus said. 

"Muffin I'll be fine, Just once more please" She said cutely. He sighed. "Go ahead Little One" He said. She smiled and held her hands out in front of the screen. She closed her eyes, I looked like she was thinking really heard.

Suddenly a strawberry appeared in her hands. We gasped. She smiled. "See see I can make things appear" She said and yawned. "See what did I tell you" Marcus scolded holding her close. "Sorry Muffin" She muttered cuddling into him.

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