Chapter 58

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-Aiyana's hospital room-
-Normal pov-

The rest of the Cullen family waited for their beloved baby cullen to wake up.

Nessie was in inner turmoil, she was shaking, her leg bouncing up and down and she tightly held Aiyana's right hand. Jacob rubbed Reneesme's shoulders in comfort.

"If only I hadn't sent her to the store" Nessie sobbed out looking at the bruised face of her little sister.

"Stop that Reneesme, No one could've known that this would happen" Bella tried to comfort her daughter.

"All except..."Rosalie trailed off glaring at Alice.

"What are you implying" Alice stated narrowing her eyes.

"That you knew this was going to happen" Rosalie sneered breaking away from Emmett.

"I did not!"Alice whispered yelled.

"You guys know when it came to Aiyana and Renesmee that their visions are hazy" She said.

"So you didn't know about this" Edward asked.

"All I saw was her going into the store and then the vision cut" Alice muttered leaning in Jasper and he rubbed her back in comfort .

The cullen kids stared at their their parents, as they stared down at Aiyana with blank expressions.

Edward narrowed his eyes when he suddenly couldn't read their minds, they suddenly became blocked.

He saw Carlisle's eyes flashed red as he leaned against the wall beside Esme's chair.

Esme had her head on her arms, while holding onto Aiyana's left hand. Then suddenly he noticed something.

Esme's eyes flashed red also

-One hour later-

They heard a little whimper from the bed.
Carlisle took the boys out in the hall,to let Aiyana get comfortable with the girls first.

"Y-Yana" Nessie said to her sister. "Baby" Esme said caressing Aiyana's cheek.

Aiyana's eyes fluttered open and her eyes landed on them.

"Hey Sweetpea" Rosalie said lowly. Aiyana just stared at them.

She shaking lifted up her hand upright and opened her palm. Esme slowly intertwine her hand with her's and softly squeezed her hand.

"We're here baby" Esme cooed softly,
Aiyana's eyes brimmed with tears.

-Few minutes later-

My back and the lower half of my body was killing me. I blankly looked down at all the handprints on my arms.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I had a flashback on that person gripping my hips so roughly drawing blood.

I sighed sadly. I felt a hand ontop of my right one. I jumped at the sudden touch. "It's just me sweetpea" Rosie said softly as she wrapped her arms around me.

I sniffed trying to hold in my tears.

"I-I d-didn't do a-anything for him to h-hurt m-me" I chocked out tears finally rolling down my face.

-Normal pov-

"Shhh No, you did nothing wrong" Rosalie cooed rocking her sister gently as she let out heart-wrenching sobs, Aiyana sob as memories flashes through her head.

Alice, Esme, Bella, and Renesmee all circled around the two for comfort.


The Cullen men leaned against the wall, their hearts breaking as they heard the sobs come from the room.

The Nurses and other staff watched the Cullens in pity. You see the emotions of anger and hopelessness in their eyes.

Carlisle flinched slightly at each sob Aiyana gave.

Edward gritted his teeth in anger and pain as the moments flashed through his head, hearing each scream, each whimper, each cry for help, he could basically feel each tear she shed.

He could hear each grunt and every perverted remark that bastard made towards Aiyana.  He clenched his fist in rage.

Emmett stared at the floor with an Emtionaless face. Thinking about how this situation could change Aiyana. Once your break Aiyana, you break the family.

Jacob glared at the floor, He had been out patroling near the area she was raped an hour prior before it happened.

'If I had only stayed longer' He grolwed tightening his jaw.

Jasper was probably the worst out of all five of them. He could feel every emotion, they were all equally strong and he was practically suffocating.

Soon the door opened and out came Bella with a grim look.

"She's not ready" Bella muttered. The men sighed sadly. "We understand, just call when she is mentally and emotionally ready to see us" Edward said kissing her temple.

Carlisle remained silent, his eyes dull of emotions. "Carlisle" Emmett said. Carlisle looked at his son. "Its time to go" Edward said.

"Ah" Was All Carlisle said they made their way to the exit, all quiet and brooding.

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