Chapter 78

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-6 hours later-

I stared at the double doors waiting for the surgery to be over. "It shouldn't take this long, right?" I asked my husband.

"Yes" He answered softly. I sighed out in worry. "Esme, this the appropriate amount of time for her surgery, due to the mutiple fractures and her lung problem, which they need to monitor her breathing.  I'd be worried if they came out two hours after surgery" Carlisle explain gently.

I sighed and nodded then placed my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me.

Soon after watching the doors, they opened, revealing Aiyana's surgeon. We stood up and met him halfway.

"It was worst than we thought as we actually went into see the damage close up, an artery was nicked from one of the bones. It could take longer to heal" He explained.

My baby was going to be miserable for months. He lead us to a small recovery room. I watched as the two Nurses settled her in as she was still under the anesthesia, knocked out. I looked at the her right hand seeing the thick cast wrapped around in the brown gauze. Her arm was also in a sling.

"Oh sweetie" I said sadly before going to her left side. I put the stray strands of hair behind her ear to show me her beautiful face.

After waiting for a couple of minutes, she finally came too. We smiled down at her gently.

"Hi sweetie" I said softly, she blinked a few times tiredly. "Hi mommy" She said weakly, she turned her head to see Carlisle. "Hi Daddy" She said.

She looked down at her arm seeing it in a cast and in a sling. Her lip started to quiver and her eyes got watery.

The five of us immediately became worried and concerned.

"What's wrong, Princess?" Are you in pain?" Carlisle asked concerned.

"N-No" She whimpered as tears slipped down her cheeks. I wiped her tears.

"Then what's wrong, Sweetness? Why are you crying?" He asked confused.

"B-Because I'm like Hanson" She chocked out. "You guys have to take my strong hand now" She cried with her left hand over her eyes.

I sighed. Everyone chuckled.

"Princess, it'll heal" Carlisle said taking her left hand in his. "See he took my strong hand" She whimpered out before crying more. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop my laughing.

-5 hours later-

After staying for more observations and was given pain medication, I was ready to go home. Mommy and a nurse helped me get dressed. Daddy went to pull the car around.

I was placed in a wheelchair. "I hate this already" I grumbled looking at my sling. Mommy chuckled at me.

Then my stomach growled. "How long have I been here?" I asked Mommy.

"12 hours. It's 12:32 pm now" She said. I gave her a horrified look.

-Minutes later-

I sat on the couch with all my friends around me.

"Aww Cutie look at you, you look so miserable" Elena said. I pouted.

"Shuch up" I mumbled.  (If you know who said that, I love you)

"Sweetie your food is ready" Mommy called from the kitchen. I sighed in happiness.

"Here let me take your strong hand" Scott said. I stopped moving and I looked at him.


"Here let me take your strong hand" Scott said. I snapped my head up.

I groaned as Aiyana's lip began to quiver. I went and gently picked her up bridal style as she cried.

"W-What did I do?!?What I say?!?" Scott panicked. "She cried for two hours comparing herself to Hanson" I explained trying to calm my Princess. 

"Really girl" Taylor snickered. My Princess only cried harder.

-Time skip-

"How am I supposed to sleep with this on?" I asked.

"Like this" Tyrell smirked and got into a stupid position. I threw a pillow at him.

"But there is one good thing out of this" Cathy said. "And that is?" I muttered.

"You can't write so the teachers are going to be easy on you" She grinned.

"What you mean going to? They already are easy on her, she's like the princess of the school" Yomo said.

"I'm not" I said rolling my eyes.

"Shiddd" Taylor said disagreeing with me.


I'm sorry for the long wait and the short update, but I've been busy with college and I'm trying to transfer. I promise you the upcoming chapters will be longer and Ill try to update when I can. Just be patient with your girl.

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