Chapter 96

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-Next day-

I had somehow managed to go alone to town today

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I had somehow managed to go alone to town today. I just wanted to be alone right now and I had forgot to buy something after the incident yesterday.

I sighed as I walked to my car with the box in my hand.

I backed out of my parking space and pulled out into the road.

I began to think about that mysterious man from yesterday.

'What if he was spying on me to tell my rapist my whereabouts?' I thought.

I looked in my rearview mirror then sighed in relief as I saw no one back there.

"Maybe I should've brought Mommy or Muffin with me" I muttered to myself as I came to a stop at a red light.

Then my stomach rumbled. I looked at the time. "3:45pm, Ill go to the diner and get something to eat" I smiled to myself and drove my way to the diner.

It was a tuesday, they rarely had business on tuesdays.

I parked within the faded parking lines infront of the Diner. I noticed something over by the houses across the street.

I saw a little African American boy, Probably about 4 or 5 years old, standing out in the cold. He didn't have on a coat and his shoes were on the wrong foot. He had a toy in each hand, he was practically shaking.

I waited for two minutes to see if someone was coming to get him but nobody came or opened their doors.

I carefully crossed the street and his attention turned on me. His nose was running and cheeks had dried tears on them. I noticed one of his eyes was slanting down, the other was perfectly fine.

"Hey, Are you lost?" I asked softly crouching down infront of him. He looked at me with his mouth open, his arm was stuck in the air, as if he was scared to move.

"Y-Yeah" He replied scared and his mouth turned downward as he was about to cry. My heart broke from him. "I bet you're freezing" I said shrugging off my coat, the cold air hit me straight on but I didn't care. I placed the coat on the boy.

"You wanna come with me into that diner over there" I said pointing across the street. He looked and nodded while still crying and letting out huffs.

I smiled and placed my hand behind his head to guide him. I noticed his hands gripping his toys, like he was scared to lose them.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He sniffled, "K-Kalen" He managed out. "Do you have last name?" I asked.

"Y-Young" He said. "Let's get you into the diner, so we can call the police to find your parents" I said and opened the door.

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