Chapter 87

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-Timeskip:Night time -

I pouted as I looked up at Muffin.

"This sucks" I muttered. He gave a small smile and patted my head.

"I'll be back soon,Little One" He said crouching down to my height.

"You better" I glared. "While I'm gone, Athenodora and Sulpicia will be looking after you for me" He said.

I froze. "D-Do I have to go to the tower? P-Please say no" I begged. He gave me a confused look.

"Little Love, why are you afraid to go to the tower?" He asked and caressed my cheek gently. I leaned into him touch.

"I-I just hate it, that's all" I said lowly, remember the black eyes from the tower.

I knew he didn't believe me but he left it alone.

The doors to the Throne room opened. In came Aro,Sulpicia,Athenodora and Caius.

"Aiyana" Sulpicia exclaimed happily taking me away from Marcus and embracing me in a tight hug.

I whimpered from the tight hug. "Sister, She's not a full vampire" Athena reminded. Sulpicia loosened her grip a little.

"But I missed her, and she..." She trailed off as she glanced at my neck.

"What's the big bandage for? Did you hurt yourself?" She asked worriedly.

I gave a confused look and touched my neck. "Oh! Muffin fed from me" I said happily, as if it wasn't a big deal.

Everyone in the room looked towards the tall Vampire. He didn't pay them any mind.

"Why on earth would you let him do such a thing?" Athena asked me.

"Because I care for him" I giggled as Sulpicia placed me back on the ground.

"Although his fangs hurt...a lot" I said sheepishly and walked towards Muffin.

He placed his hand on my head. "It's time for you to eat dinner, Little One" He reminds. I turned to the grandfather clock and saw it was 8:32pm.

"Where did the time go" I pouted, I stood on my tiptoes and puckered my lips. Muffin leaned down and I kissed his cheek with a dramatic 'Mwah'.

"Have a safe trip" I said skipping out of the throne room with Sulpicia and Athenodora following me.


I sat in the dark bedroom with my laptop on my lap.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!" Mommy and Daddy said in hysterics.

"Calm down, I'm fine" I said laying down.

"Do you know how dangerous it is for you to give blood in that Castle" Daddy scold. I sighed.

"Daddy please, Muffin already gave me a scolding, I don't want another one, plus I need to ask you something" I said.

They gave each other looks and turn back to me.

"Alright I'll let this slide, Now what did you want ask me" He said.

I looked around the room. "Hold on" I said before getting out of bed, I went to the door and opened it, I paused seeing Felix and Demetri silhouettes behind the huge glass doors at the entrance of the wing.

I closed the door and went back to bed.

I took a deep breath before asking.

"Are ghosts real?" I asked.

They gave me confused looks. "It's a possibility, I mean vampire and werewolves exists, so why not ghosts" Daddy said.

I bit my lip. "Why did you ask us?" Mommy asked.

"I-I saw someone in the Queen's tower"  I said.

"Who?" They asked simultaneously.

"Didyme" I said.

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