Chapter 37

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-Two weeks later-

I watched as Aiyana and Carlisle sit far away from each other.

A week ago they had a bad argument, which led to Aiyana running to her room crying and Carlisle breaking everything in his study.

He was so torn that he made Aiyana cry. He didn't mean to , he was stressed from work.

He has to fly to England for a conference this week. I was staying home with the kids.

He didn't want to leave if him and Aiyana were still on bad terms.

He leaves in the morning so he was packing tonight. Aiyana was asleep in her room.

She's been acting weird lately. She hasn't been talking as much to anyone and she sleeps a lot more.

I went to the living room with everyone else. I sat down next to Carlisle. He slightly smiled at me and slid his larger hand into mine.

Alice was reading a magazine, but suddenly dropped it. We all looked at her to see her eyes glazed over.

Edward eyes widened. "That explains her behavior" He said.

Alice nodded coming out of her vision with a happy smile.

She rushed upstairs and came back down in a second.

"What was the vision about?" Emmett asked.

"Chocolate" Edward said looking directly at me and Carlisle.

"Lots and lots of chocolate" He muttered.

Carlisle and I exchanged confused  looks.


I watched from the doorway as Carlisle kissed Aiyana on the forehead.

"Goodbye Princess" He muttered lovingly moving a lone hair from her face. She shifted closer to his hand and he gave a small smile.

He came over and I closed her door, leaving it cracked open.

"I don't like leaving if she's still mad at me" He sighed out.

"I'm sure when you're gone, she'll be calling you everyday" I smiled. He gave a sad smile.


It was 8 in the morning when it happened.

I was getting the ingredients to make waffles when I smelled Aiyana's blood.

I put everything down and rushed upstairs to Aiyana's room.

Aiyana was still asleep, I looked over her for injuries, but didn't see any.  I took off the blanket and saw the red spot on the bed.

Then everything clicked.

I smiled and woke her up. She stirred and weakly opened her eyes. She sat up.

"Mommy I feel weird" She muttered. I chuckled. "You started your period today" I said. She tilted her head like a confused puppy.

"I thought I wouldn't get one" She asked almost falling asleep.

"We thought so too, but it appears you're more human than we thought" I said helping her out of bed.


I held my baby in my arms as she slept. She sat on my lap with her head on my shoulder.

"She turns into a cuddle momster when she's on her period" Emmett said. It was true she cuddled with almost everyone except Jacob and Britnay.

"She sleeps a lot too" Jacob said. She had ten naps today.

"Dad is gonna be mad that were getting all the cuddles" Jasper teased.

Aiyana cuddled closer to me, placing her head in my neck.

I smiled just as Carlisle was Skype calling on my laptop. I leaned over placing my hand on Aiyana's head  keeping her still. I leaned back upon seeing Carlisle smiling face. His eyes averted to our sleeping baby.


My heart warmed seeing my Princess on Esme's lap, sleeping soundly.

"Hey" I greeted. "Hi Honey, How was your flight" She greeted while twirling Aiyana's hair.

"It was great just got here a few minutes ago" I said with a smile.

"Carlisle guess what"  She suddenly grinned. She had a look of happiness on her face.

"It appears Aiyana is more human than we thought" Edward said coming to the screen with the other kids surrounding Esme.

"What do you guys mean?" I asked.

"She started her period today" Rosalie said.

My eyes widened. 'It started so late that I thought she wouldn't get one' I thought.

"How is she taking it?" I asked. They all grinned.

"She hates it" Bella said.

"She's been eating chocolate like she's Remus Lupin" Jasper joked.

"She has taken like 10 naps today" Jacob said.

"And she cuddles a lot more" Emmett grimned.

I frowned.

"She was soooo spoiled, We bought her Ice cream" Alice said.

"We watched The Green Mile with her and let me tell you she cried so hard. Us being the great siblings were are, we cried with her so she wouldn't be alone" Edward said

I chuckled.

"Even though most of the day, she was begging us to kill her because of the pain" Rosalie said.

"Did you give her pain pills" I asked concerned. "Yep hence why she is asleep now" Bella said.

"Oh you should have seen the way she was walking around with her Panda in her arms asking for Cuddles, Carlisle it was so cute" Esme squealed.

I just stared blankly at them jealous. 'Of course I had to leave with us on bad terms' I thought bitterly. I wanted to hold My Princess too.

"Grandpa she misses you too" Ren teased. My heart jumped at the news.

"She's been calling out for you, looking all over the house for you" Jasper said.

"She cried when we told her you had left" Alice said giving me a smile.

"She thought you had left because you were still mad at her" Esme said kissing Aiyana's forehead.

"Never" I said. I would never do that to my Baby girl, she and Esme were my world.

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