Chapter 114

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"Turn around Muffin" Aiyana said softly. Marcus turned his body on high alert. His tall body froze like a statue upon seeing who was standing behind him.

Aiyana gave a smile to the beautiful woman.

"Didyme..." He muttered out of pure shock and sadness.


I slowly creeped away letting Muffin have his moments with his translucent wife. His sorrowfull expression nearly broke my heart.

"Marcus" Didyme's familiar voice ranged in my ear. Her voice was wavy.

She reached up and placed her palm on his cheek. "Didyme" Muffin said once again, his voice filled with love.

"I've missed you, my love. It hurts me knowing I left you suffering all these years. I'm so sorry, Marcus" She expressed, eyes tearing.

"I know Didyme I know...let's just enjoy this moment, my love" Muffin whispered lovingly.

I gave a soft smile.

Suddenly familiar arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

"Aren't they cute, Mommy?" I quietly asked, giggling. She rested her head on mine, "They certainly are, Duckling" She replied.

"let's get you back home" She smiled before picking me up bridal style.


We made it back to the house and went inside. I stripped myself of my winter clothing. I went back to the living room seeing a bunch of torn gift wrap everywhere.

"Hey where's Marcus" Seth asked. I giggled to myself. "Dont worry he'll be back soon" I smiled before sitting between mommy and daddy.

"When do we eat, Mommy?" I asked her and my stomach growled lowly. "The food is in the oven keeping warm" She smiled.

"Yes!! I'm starving" Seth hopped up with a huge grin. "When are you not hungry" Nicole said rolling her eyes. Then the two started bickering. "I'll go get the food out" Mommy smiled getting up. "I'll help you, Esme" Nana offered standing up from beside papa. Mommy gave her a sweet smile.

"I'll set the table, mommy" I said skipping off into the dinning room. "I'll help you, Yana" Sissy said following me. We raced to the dining room.

"AIYANA!" Daddy's stern voice boomed, practically shaking the house. As if On command, I immediately stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him. "Y-Yes daddy?" I answered a little unnerved by him yelling my name. He sighed almost breaking his serious character. "No running or I'll have to put you on your oxygen tank" He stated firmly giving no room for an argument.

"Sorry daddy" I apologized sheepishly and walked to the dining room. Where Sissy was snickering at me being scolded. "Yes daddy, sorry daddy" She said mocking my voice. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Aiyana it's not nice to stick your tongue out at people" Mommy scolded seeing me from the kitchen. "B-But Mommy" I whined. "Don't make me come in there" She warned. I pouted as Sissy laughed at me. "Damn you" I muttered as we began to set the table.

I felt a swat on my butt. I yelped. "No foul language either" Mommy scolded. "Mommy" I whined. She leant down to my ear, "You better behave yourself duckling, Mommy and Daddy are this close to taking you over our knee and bruising that cute butt" Mommy purred in my ear. 

She pulled away leaving me a blushing mess. She smiled gently before returning to the kitchen. Sissy was full blown laughing. I 'hmph'ed and finished setting the table before leaving the dining room with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Princess come here" Daddy softly ordered. My body almost obeyed him but a little bratty voice in my head told me to go upstairs. I turned my nose up at him and went upstairs.

"Excuse me for a moment" I heard him say to the others. I panicked and ran as fast as I could to my room. I almost made it before I was thrown over a shoulder.

"I'm sorry Daddy" I squeaked and wiggled to get loose from his hold. " You're going to be sorry alright ,Princess" He chuckled darkly swatting my butt. I whimpered as he took me to his and mommy's room.


We conversed as the others ate Christmas dinner in the dining room. There was a knock on the front door. I got up to answer it, already knowing who it was.

I open the door seeing the familiar rugged man. "Merry Christmas ,Augustus" I grinned welcoming him in.

"Yeah yeah merry Christmas" He grumbled. I chuckled then closed the door. "Where's my mistress " He demanded after not seeing her or hearing her downstairs.

I can hear the familiar whimpers and purrs from upstairs. "She'll be down in an hour" I mumbled trying to get the images out if my head. He grinned also hearing what I was hearing.

-Aiyana- An hour later-

"Easy there, Princess" Daddy softly ushered me downstairs. The entire lower half of my body was sore especially my bottom.

I could hear everyone in the living room playing some sort of game. Daddy guided me to the dining room where mommy stood with a steaming plate of food in her hand. "Aww there's my darling girl~" She cooed. "Did you and daddy have a nice talk" She smirked. I blushed and nodded.

"Our Princess was just a little bratty today that's all" Daddy said pulling out our chairs. I was hesitant to sit down and they noticed. "Here you can sit on our hands for ice packs" Mommy offered with a sly grin. I blushed even more.  They placed their hands on the chair palm side up.

"Perverts" I giggled and sat down. Internally moaning as their hands soothe the heat skin on my bottom.

I began to eat my dinner, humming happily while doing so. Mommy and Daddy leaned their head on their other hand,  looking at me with adoration.

"Why are you so adorable" Daddy asked as if he was completely mesmerized.


She turned her head to look at me and shrugged innocently. Her cheeks stuffed with food. God she looked so adorable, like a little chipmunk.

Esme practically had floating hearts around her head as she stared at us with love. My girls are so cute.

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