Chapter 79

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-Few days later-

I sat in my room, on skype with Muffin, while getting ready for school.

"What did you do this time, Little one?" Muffin asked.

"I fell on my hand" I muttered knowing he heard me.

He sighed. "Maybe we should get you a custom wheelchair" He said with a hint of a smile on his face.

"Carlisle's going to put her in one real soon" Teddy said walking past my room. I blushed. "Shut up teddy" I screeched.

His laughter boomed throughout the house. Muffin chuckled.

-Few hours later-

I sighed as I walked down the hall with Scott as he walked me to my class. "I hate this" I sighed. He grinned at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry you'll be good as new in a few months" He said. I gave him a blank look. He rolled his eyes.


I sighed in misery, just as the bell for lunch rang. I stood up with my book in my good arm. I started to walk out the room when I heard my name being called from behind me.

I looked behind me seeing the boy from before that told me about my paper assignment. I gave him a small smile.

"Hi" I greeted him with a smile. His cheeks turned pink and he turned his head. "I-I c-can carry your book if you want me too" He offered. I blinked up at him.

"Oh you don't ha-" I was cut off by him cutting me off. "N-No I want too" He said scratching the back of his neck. I gave him a thankful smile and gave him the book.

We made small talk as we walked to the cafeteria. He was a really sweet person, his name was Sebastian and he was a senior like me. Although he is kinda shy.

"Hey do you want to hang out with me and my friends, we got out to eat instead of eating here" I asked him. His eyes literally brightened. "A-Are you sure they won't mind" He asked.

Well they are pretty harsh at first but once they see your aren't a threat, they loosen up" I said giving him a smile.

We walked into the cafeteria and walked out the side doors to the parking lot.

I waved at my friends as they surrounded Cathy's truck. They smiled at me but their smiles dropped seeing Sebastian beside me.

"Aiyana" Cathy scolded. I rolled my eyes.

"Guys this is Sebastian, he helped me with my book, so I invited him to eat lunch with us" I said.

"Well since you helped our little friend, you seem alright" Tyrell said. "I'm not little" I pouted trying into Cathy's truck.

I was struggling and they noticed.

"Yeah sure you aren't" Scott said helping me in. I blushed.

We all got into our cars and made our way to our diner. We walked in and the owner, Hector, greeted us. "Oh look it's s my favorite group of people" He gave us soft smile.

"Hey Hector" I greeted waving my good hand. He frowned seeing my other arm.

"Little Aiyana what did you do to your arm?" He asked as we sat at our usual table.

"She flicked her wrist a little too hard" Yomo joked and I kicked his shin. "I fell down on my wrist and practically shattered my bones" I explained and he gave me a sympathetic look.

"Oh you poor sweetheart" Evelyn, Hector's wife, gushed. She rushed in the back and All I heard was banging and a machine going. She came back with a vanilla milkshake and she placed it infront of me. I gave her a confused look.

"On the house for our poor dear" She said patting my hair. "Thank you" I gave a her a bright smile. My friends jaws dropped.

"Aye Sebastian help me break my arm" Dante said and they actually proceeded to break his arm. I sighed at my friends. Hector chuckled before taking our orders.

-Timeskip: Home-

I walked into my house with Sissy behind me. Mommy came around to corner greeting me. I smiled widely upon seeing her.

"Hi Mommy" I said standing on my toes giving her a small kiss. "Hi baby. How was school?" She asked.

"It was okay, I made a new friend" I exclaimed.

"Oh that's nice, what's their name?" Mommy asked.

"His name is Sebastian, he's really nice and shy" I said.

"His?" Jazzy said coming from the living room.

"Guys he's friendly, so don't fret" I said.

"Oh he better be, or he's going to have to see us" Teddy said cracking his knuckles. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen.


Sorry for the late update, but I've been busy because of school. But for today, since it's my birthday, Im feeling extremely happy and relaxed, I'll do a double update today❤️

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