Chapter 3

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-One week later-

Aiyana was out of the incubator,  she was a little bigger, though she is still on the premature side. She was so happy to be out of the incubator or as she called it a 'clear cage'.

She moved to Renesmee's room, because Nessie wanted to share with Aiyana and be closer to her.

One side was painted white and another side was painted a soft pink. Aiyana's crib was pink and white , while Nessie's was purple.

In the corner was a rocking chair and two changing tables to match the color of their cribs.

Right now Aiyana was drinking from her little bottle with her eyes closed as Esme fed her.

"She even looks cute when she's drinking" Esme gushed.

I shook my head at my wife as she stared at our little one in her arms.  Once she was finished , she burped her and put on her beanie. Aiyana laid in Esme's arms, looking around in wonder.

"Can I hold her?" I heard a familiar voice asked. I tensed and nearly growled that someone wanted to hold my Princess. I turned to look at Rosalie. Esme hesitantly gave Aiyana to Rosalie.

"She's so small" She said in disbelief.  Aiyana looked confused. Rosalie gapsed and I became alarmed. "What?" I said.

"I heard her voice in my mind, she sounded so weak. She asked me who I was" Rosalie said.

"I'm your big sister" She said softly. Aiyana nodded slightly, with a huge smile showing her gums then laid her head down her chest. "Aww" Rosalie exclaimed.

Soon Aiyana was being given to everyone around the room. She gave little giggles as she met her family.

Me and Esme watched intently as Aiyana was sleeping on Emmett's chest adorably. He looked as stiff as a board, afraid that he might hurt her.

"Emmett relax" I chuckled at my son, while wrapping my arms around Esme's waist. He relaxed a little but became stiff again as Aiyana moved slightly on his chest. I sighed.

-Three days later-

Carlisle was at work and I was at home. I saw sitting beside Aiyana, who was on the couch sitting up right, propped up on the pillows Alice and Rosalie set up. "Yana!!" I heard Nessie called out as she came downstairs in Bella's arms. She was grinning widely with her little teeth showing.


"Ai, Ai!!"I heard my sissy said as she was placed beside me.  "She sounds like a pirate, Edward" Bella said. Eddie chuckled.  Sissy leaned over and kissed my cheek. I smiled at her.

"Aww" Everyone swooned.

'Hi sissy' I thought. Her eyes widened. 'We can speak to each other in our minds' She thought happily. 


We watched them silently staring at each other. "What are they doing?" Emmett whispered. "I have no idea" Bella said. They both suddenly smiled and Aiyana started to give out a series of coughs.

Everyone looked at her alarmed. Renesmee looked startled.

I became worried at she spat up her milk, but it was pink. "Call Carlisle" I said and gently picked up my baby and went upstairs.


I looked at the clock and sighed. 'Only two more hours to go until I can see my girls' I thought.

Suddenly my phone rang and I quickly answered it.

C: He-

R: Carlisle it's Aiyana she's-

She didn't even get to finish, I had hung up on her. I gathered my stuff and slightly rushed out of my office.

"Dr.Cullen- " A nurse tried to call me. "I'm leaving early, family emergency" I said and went to my car. I got in and drove home.

I didnt care if I was going too fast, I only have one thing on my mind and that is my Princess.

-Few mintues later-

I pulled up and parked my car. I ran inside and smelled blood as soon as I entered. I saw a small puddle of pink on the couch. I heard small whimpers and went to the source. I went to mine and Esme's room. I saw Esme holding a sniffling Aiyana.

"What happened" I asked worriedly. " She was sitting on the couch with Nessie and she threw up milk and blood and her skin got extremely hot" Esme said wiping Aiyana's tears.  "Did you feed her any blood" I asked. She shook her head holding Aiyana close. "She didn't want it" She said laying her down on our bed. I sat down next to my Princess.  She whimpered and coughed.

I took her temperature.  "103.2" I said worriedly.  "That's not safe for a baby" I muttered. Esme went to make Aiyana a bottle with the medicine I gave her. I gently craddled her in my arms. She snuggled into my chest.

Esme came back with a bottle and gave it to me. I smiled as she gave me the bottle. I started to feed my Princess. She scrunched up her face adorably.  I chuckled and kissed her head.

After she finished her bottle, I burped her and started making googly eyes at her. She giggled cutely.

"My sweet baby" I said kissing her temple. I heard Nessie crying for Aiyana.  Me and Esme looked at each other while Aiyana was looking at the both of us.

I carried Aiyana downstairs to the wailing Nessie.  I sat her beside Nessie who stopped crying as soon as she saw Aiyana.  Nessie grinned as I laid her do next to her.

I went over to Esme, who was staring at Aiyana in adoration.  I wrapped my arms around her waist and she leaned into my touch. 

Renesmee kissed Aiyana's cheek and Aiyana giggled weakly. I chuckled.  She turned her head to me and Esme then gave a soft little smile. My heart melted and we smiled back.

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