Chapter 1

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"Damn it Bella, keep your heart beating!!" Jacob screamed in desperation at the dying brunette on the table. "Edward take him out, he's suffocating" Bella screamed in agony. Edward bit into her stomach and tore the baby out. "Renesmee"  Bella said as she looked at the daughter with adoration but her eyes showed exhaustion. Soon her faced turned blank and her eyes turned lifeless. Edward panicked. "Here Jacob take her" Edward said trying to give the squirming baby to him. Jacob sneered at him.

"Get that monster away from me" He growled at him. Rosalie came in. "I can take her Edward" she said. Edward hesitated but gave the baby to her. He grabbed a syringe full of the venom from a drawer. He stabbed the venom directly in her chest not even noticing about the baby still in her stomach.

-few minutes later-

Esme heard a small but weak whimper. She looked confused at Renesmee in Rosalie's arms squirming and whining, but she wasn't whimpering. She followed the noise and was lead upstairs to Bella's body. she heard a faint heartbeat as she entered the room. She felt for Bella pulse and there was none. She heard the slow heartbeat coming from her stomach. She gasped and slowly reached her hand in and grasped onto something. She pulled it out gently and out come a small babygirl. She was barely breathing and she had yet to open her eyes.

She called for Carlisle panicking, who appeared inside the room in seconds.

"What is it love" He asked worridely. Esme turned around and she saw the little baby she had in her arms. "How did we miss this little one" He said taking the baby and going up to his little hospital.

Esme cleaned her and clothed her as Carlisle prepared an incubator. He put her inside gently and hooked her up to an oxygen tank and heart monitor. "I wonder why we didn't hear her before" Esme said worriedly as the baby slept silently inside.

"Maybe because of Renesmee, she is bigger than her" Carlisle noted. "Look she's opening her eyes" Esme said happily.

The baby's eyes fluttered open and the two vampires froze at the sight of her beautiful blue eyes, something inside them snapped.

They looked at each other in disbelief .

"Did we...Is she...?" Esme for the first time in her vampire years, couldn't complete her sentence.

Carlisle grinned like never before and wrapped his loving arms around his wife.

"Yes we did" He said kissing her temple.

Esme gasped as venom pooled in her eyes, but she smiled with happiness. They stared down at the now sleeping baby with adoration and love.

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