Chapter 26

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-Next Day-

I woke up with a groan, My arm was really sore for some reason. I sat on the edge of these bed. "Esme" I heard from the door I looked and saw my Carlisle, he looked so stressed.

"Carlisle what happened to m-" I stopped myself as I remember yesterday's events.

'MOMMY!!' I could heard the agonizing cries of my baby calling for me. I closed my eyes shaking my head.

"Where's Aiyana?!" I asked frantically. Carlisle looked at me with sad eyes.

"Where is she" I asked fearing the worst.

"We must hunt before we see her" He said holding out his hand as we ran into the woods.

"Why must we hunt...and have you seen her yet?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Edward said she lost a lot of blood, Belle and Alice wouldn't let me see her until you woke up" He said and wrapped his arms around me.

Suddenly the scent of venom entered my nose. I looked up at him. "When I heard your scream and smelled the blood, I froze, I was stuck when I saw your wound , I couldn't choose between you two" He sobbed while hugging me tight.

My heartbroke for my husband, him seeing us almost dead must've traumatized him.

I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him deeply. I broke away smiling softly at him. "Carlisle it doesn't matter now, we're both Alive" I said.

"Now let's hunt and see our Angel" I said. He smiled and we ran deeper into the woods.

-Few hours later-

"When are they coming back" Emmett asked. "Now" Alice said just as the front door opened. In came Esme and Carlisle. "I'm glad you're okay Esme" I said smiling seeing my mother figure well. "Thank you Edward" She said smiling sofly as Carlisle kissed her knuckles. I led them upstairs.

"Why didn't you let Carlisle see her" Esme asked. "I wanted you two to comfort each other when you see her" I said and stopped I front of Aiyana's door. I opened the door slowly, to hear my parents gasp from behind me.

Esme ran to her side. "What did they do to her" She choked out. "They broke her spine out of place, her leg was snapped, most of her ribs were broken from one of them stomping on her chest" I said.

Carlisle put his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you son" He said genuinely. I smiled at him. "No need to thank me Carlisle" I smiled and left the couple alone.


Edward closed the door and I sat on the bed. "Why would someone do this" Esme said stroking Aiyana's brusied cheek. "Some Vampires are cruel, Esme" I muttered looking down at my Princess.

"When will she wake up" She asked looking at me. "We have no idea" I replied with a sigh. Esme stared down at Aiyana with sadness and guilt. "All  I could here was her calling me begging for me to help her" She exclaimed as venom pooled to her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her as she dry sobbed. "She's okay now Esme, she's here and she is safe" I muttered kissing her temple.

She looked up at me with small smile. "I love you" She whispered leaned into my embrace. "I love you too" I said holding her tighter.

-Two week later-

Aiyana still hasn't woken up yet and we haven't seen her move or anything. Esme and I we're getting desperate for her to wake up.

-Normal Pov-

Renesmee was upstairs in Aiyana's room looking at her for some kind of movement. She sighed not seeing any and went to brush her hair.

She grabbed the brush, she walked over to her sister only to see blue eyes staring up at her. Renesmee froze dropping the brush.

"S-Sissy" Aiyana whimpered out. "Y-Yana" Renesmee stuttered out as tears rolled down her face. "Yana!!" She yelled out happily before going to her bedside.

The door slammed open to see the entire family. "Oh Sweetheart" Esme cried out rushing to her other side and planted kisses all over her bruised face.

Aiyana smiled tiredly at all of them then looked confused as her predicament. "W-What happened to me" She asked innocently.

"You mean you don't remember" Rosalie said. "Remember what?" She asked. Everyone glanced at each other. Edward and Carlisle shared a look. "You fell down a hill" Carlisle lied.

"Oh" She said and moved. Everyone left leaving the two vampires with their imprint.

"I'm glad you're awake, Princess" Carlisle said hiding Aiyana amd Esme in his arms. Aiyana snuggled deeply into them

"You two know I'm never letting you out of my sight again now right?" Carlisle said. Esme sighed.

"Carlisle" She groaned at his overprotective nature.

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