Chapter 9

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-Next Morning-

I woke up to humming. Once my vision cleared I noticed I was in Mommy's arms. I smiled and snuggled into her. "Good Morning lovebug" She said lovingly and kisses my head.

"Morni~" I slurred out tiredly,I couldn't even get the word out. She giggled and got me ready for the day. Soon after taking a bath and put on my clothes. Mommy carried me downstairs. I smiled as she added a little bounce to her step. We went to the kitchen to see Daddy and Ren arguing playfully.

Mommy sat me down next to Ren and Daddy kissed my temple. "Morning Yana" Ren said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

We ate and I went outside to the back porch. I sat on the chair swing with Mr.Panda in deep thought. Chandler came out and I levitated him up to sit beside me.

A few minutes later, the door opened and out come Mommy and Daddy. They sighed in relief.

"Oh sweetie don't do that" Mommy scolded softly before taking a seat beside me and Daddy sat on the other side, carefully not sit on Chandler. "Sorry Mommy" I muttered and snuggled into her chest.

"What's wrong Princess?" Daddy asked concerned to why I was sitting outside. I cast my eyes down at Mr.Panda and played with his stuffed arms.

"Sweetheart you can talk to us about anything" Mommy said making me look at her. Her eyes  genuine and encouraging.

Something inside me broke and tears fell from my eyes. "Do you two l-love me?" I asked my voice cracked. They froze and their eyes had a hard look.

"Of course we do, Princess" Daddy said. "Why would you think that we don't love you" Mommy said. "Tanya said some mean stuff and thoughts just came to my head" I said playing with Chandler's ear.

Daddy made me look at him. His eyes were hard but loving. "Don't you ever think that we don't love you. You are our entire world, Our Princess, Our Babygirl, our everything" Daddy said and kissed my head.

I sniffed. "Don't ever doubt our love for you because some negative saying" Mommy said taking me in her arms. I smiled as Daddy wiped my tears. Chandler whined and pawed my thigh. I giggled. "I love you"I said to my parents. Daddy nuzzled my nose.

"We love you too" He said. I smiled and giggled wildly as Mommy tickled me. Mommy smiled we played with Chandler. Daddy smiled at us and got up and left.


As soon as I was away from my girls, a wave of anger hit me. It was directed all at Tanya. I went into the living room.

"So the little brat told" Tanya grumbled. "Of course she told, I don't appreciate you putting negative thoughts into her head" I sneered angrily. I heard familair giggles and Aiyana ran pass the doorway chasing Chandler. I calmed down greatly at her giggles. Esme entered the room with a loving smile. Tanya gave her a look of envy and disgust as she reached my side.

"I'm only stating simple facts, you're only taking pity upon them because of Esme loosing her stupid son and commiting suicide and Aiyana having problems with her health ,is the only reason you took them in. I mean you should've just let them die" She said. 

Everyone stared at Tanya in disbelief. One glance at Esme's heartbroken face did it all for me.

The chain that was holding back my beast snapped and he surfaced.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" He roared and lunged at Tanya.


Ren grabbed me a bottle water from the Fridge and we went out. We played with Chandler for a little, we were having fun until the sowmthing came crashing threw the window. I gasped as I was roughly pulled away from the glass by Ren. I saw Tanya on the ground growling up at someone from the window. I looked and surprisingly saw Daddy.

He looked terrifying.

I mean I saw his red eyes before but this time he looked like he was going to kill someone. He looked like a wild vampire. I went to walk  towards him but stopped at the sound of his voice.

"Don't you ever talk about my mates like that ever again" Daddy snarled out.

'What did she say?' I thought. I looked at Mommy and saw her shocked face as she looked at Daddy. Them she turned sad as she looked at Tanya.

I giggled drawing the attention to me. "Throw her out the window again" I clapped, knowing she made my Mommy sad. Teddy busted out laughing.


I was sitting on the floor in the living room. Bella had bought me a huge box of puzzle pieces. I laid them out on the coffee table and began to work.

-Normal Pov-

Everyone stared at the look of concentration on Aiyana's face. They smiled at her determination.

"You know Tanya" Rosalie started and all eyes went to her. "Interfering with true mates has a death sentence" Rosalie said. Tanya froze looking horrified.

"I-I forgot about that" She spluttered out. "Just to let you know" Rosalie said her voice sickly sweet.


I sat beside Aiyana as she held her  panda in one arm and put puzzle pieces together with another one. I can tell she really love them. By the way she smiled as she fit the pieces together and as the pieces came together slowly to reveal a picture.

"Done!!" She cheered with a bright smile on her face. It was a picture of a Panda that she had put together. She giggled and grabbed her Panda.

"It's you Mr.Panda" She said grinning happily. I gushed at her cuteness.

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