Chapter 5

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-Few days later-

I love my family so much.

Mommy planted me and Ren's our own flower garden. Her flowers were purple and white, Mine had all kinds of colors and flowers.

Ren always made me flower crowns. She looked about 5 , while I still looked like a newborn. I don't mind though, I liked being small.

Mommy had just fed me and changed me. I mainly liked wearing footed onesies. Teddy had got me one saying 'Cutest Vamp in the coffin', Alice was not pleased.

Right now I was playing a game with Jazzy and it was really fun. 

"I spy something...old" He said. I saw Daddy sitting in front of us reading the newspaper. Jazzy looked to where I was looking and laughed. Daddy chuckled.

"I spy something...cute" He said. I looked around and pointed at the Teddy bear in the corner. Jazzy shook his head. I gave up and he noticed. "It's you, darling" He said kissing my cheek while tickling my belly. I giggled and held onto his face. 

"I spy something...annoying" He said. I looked around and didn't see anything. "Com'on darling I know you see it" Jazzy encouraged. He motioned his head to Jacob. I giggled.

Jacob got annoyed and started yelling. I cowered into Jazzy's chest at the noise, he rubbed my back soothingly. "You don't have to yell, stupid mutt" Rosalie sneered. I played with Jazzy's ears to calm me down.

"Aw Jazz you look cute with your ears like that" Teddy teased. Jazzy glared at him.

"Want to see me beat up Emmett" He asked.  I nodded and put me down and tackked Teddy out the door. I watched intently as they tussled around in the yard from the window. Eddie laughed as Teddy was thrown into a tree. I clapped as Jazzy won.

They came into the house, Jazzy eas smirking while Teddy was pouting. "So who were you going for" Jazz asked. I pointed at him.

Teddy's jaw dropped. "You've wounded me" He said holding his chest. I floated over to him and slopply kissed his cheek and went to mommy. 

"I feel so much better" Teddy said. I smiled at him. She placed me with Eddie and Sissy. I sat on Eddie's lap as he began to play a melody. I smiled as my sissy was learning.


I walked around the living room with my Princess falling asleep on my chest. She was having some breathing problems earlier, but I sorted it out.

I kissed her little head and she smiled in her sleep. Renesmee was sleeping upstairs in her room. I went upstairs and entered Nessie's and Aiyana shared room.

I kissed her head and placed her in her crib.

I left the room after covering her up. I went to the living room with the others.

-Two hours later- Rosalie-

I went to go check up on the girls. I smiled as I saw Nessie sleeping on her side.  I went to Aiyana's crib and my heart dropped. She wasn't there.

Edward appeared in the doorway with the others. "Where is she" Edward snarled quietly . "I don't know" I sneered. Bella walked around the room worriedly and went to the side Nessie was facing.

She smile slightly. "Guys, come look" She whispered. We went over and saw Nessie with her arm wrapped securely around Aiyana's little sleeping body.

"Aww" Alice gushed and quickly took a picture. I smiled. "Glad Carlisle and Esme went hunting, they would flip their shit if Aiyana was missing" Emmett said. I hit his head. "They still might hear you" I said and  we left the girls to sleep.

- Next Day- Normal

As Carlisle and Esme hunted. Aiyana sat on Emmett's lap as he played a game. He had the controller in front of her as She watched the game intently.

"Really Emmett" Jasper said seeing Aiyana in his lap. "Hey she likes video games more"Emmett smiled.

"She also likes reading with me more" Jasper said. " Boring" Emmett teased. Jasper growled. "No she likes learning about music with me more" Edward added. "Even more boring" Emmett yawnnrf. Edward snarled at him.

"Oh no no, Aiyana likes going shopping with me more than anything" Alice said jumping in. "No Aiyana likes playing chess with me more" Bella said.

"She likes hanging out with me more" Rosalie said. They all began to argue. Emmett placed Aiyana on the couch, who looked at her arguing family confused. Nessie picked her up and fed Aiyana her bottle. They went upstairs to the other living room while their family argued. 


Carlisle and I came out the woods with smiles on our faces.

We entered and saw our kids arguing. We looked at each other confused. "What's going on" Carlisle asked with some order in his voice.

I looked around for my baby. But I didn't see her. "Where's Aiyana" I asked. Emmett looked around and paled even more than he was.

"She was on the couch" He said. I went upstairs and heard the fast heartbeats. I went into the other living room and saw the girls cuddled up together watching Happy Feet. 

My heart melted at the sight. They seemed to be really into the movie, because they haven't took their eyes off the screen when everyone came into the room.

"They didn't even want to hang out with us, only to watch some damn penguins dance " Emmett muttered. I scolded him. I heard Aiyana giggle as they started singing, she was moving her body side to side matching the rhythm.

"Aww" Rosalie gushed. "Let's leave them be" Carlisle said. We all went back downstairs.

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