Chapter 10

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Sorry for the wait, Hurricane Michael fucked up my power for a day

Enjoy 😘

-Four days later-

It was the night before the fight. Everyone went up into the mountains. I laid my head on Mommy's chest as she sat on a log listening to the stories of the others. I was listening in on some parts that made me giggle.


Me and Carlisle stood little ways from the laughing group. "You know Carlisle" I started. He turned to look at me.

"I never got to the thank you" I started as I stared at the man that has become my father. "For What" He asked confused.

"For giving me this life, but I caused all this, all because I fell in love with a human" I said feeling guilty.

Carlisle put a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Son It's alright, you found your mate, You deserve to be happy. Everyone has something to fight for, I know I do" He said smiling unconsciously at Esme and Aiyana. I looked at Renesmee and Bella in their tent with a smile.

"Son thank you" He replied back. Now I was confused. "For?" I asked.

"For giving me and Esme our little Angel" He said looking at Aiyana as she played Patty cake with Vladimir, who looked very enthusiastic for her sake. We chuckled.

-Next Morning-

As soon as I woke up we headed to the clearing. Daddy hooked me up to my small oxygen tank. I was walking with Ren as we held each other's hands tightly.  Mommy amd Daddy on my right. Eddie and Bells on Ren's left, the two of us dead in the middle of the two set of parents. I held my panda for comfort in my right arm.

Then the wolves came out. Suddenly I saw a wave of black coming towards us. My breath hitched and Ren ran her thumb over my knuckles. As they got closer our Parents stepped forward slightly protectively.

Suddenly I started feeling strange as if something was pulling me to the wave of black. I frowned at the strange feeling

Soon they stopped in front of us and in sync they took off their hoods. My eyes went towards the tallest of the three. He was staring back at me with curious eyes.

I looked up at Daddy, who was staring at the one in the middle, who was staring at me and Ren. Ren pulled me closer.

"Should I talk" Daddy muttered. Eddie nodded and Daddy walked forwards away from me and Mommy. They began talking.

I tuned out what they were saying as the tallest of the three kings locked eyes with me.

Suddenly I heard. "I would like to meet them" He demanded softly. Mommy and Daddy tensed. Mommy kissed my head tenderly. Ren gave my hand a tight squeezed as we began to walk.

Mommy gave a whimper as I got farther away from her. I wanted to run back to her and snuggle into her arms but now is not the time. Bells stopped and looked at Teddy. He started to walk with us alone with Jacob. I held my Panda tightly for comfort.

We stood in front of Aro. Teddy stood beside us protectively.

"Young Bella immortality becomes you" He said creepily. I hid further behind Ren's legs scared out of my mind. I heard a low growl from beside Aro. Aro looked at us and let out a weird laugh, it only increased my fear.

"I can hear their strange heartbeats" He mused. Ren went forward taking me with her. "Hello Aro" She said softly. Aro held out his hand but instead she gently place her hand on his cheek.

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