Chapter 22

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I sat in the living room watching SpongeBob early in the morning. Nana was cooking breakfast. Nicole was sleeping at the table again, while Papa was trying wake her up.

I giggled at the tv. "Sweetheart breakfast is ready" I heard Nana call. I got off the couch and walked to the kitchen. Nana put me in the chair and placed the plate in front of me.

I thanked her and poked Nicole's legs. She shot up confused. "You went to sleep the same time as me" I said. She shrugged and ate her waffles. I shook my head and ate my food.

After breakfast, we gave Papa goodbye hugs and kisses as he went to work.

"You girls want to come shopping with me?" Nana asked. We nodded happily. We did our morning routine and got dressed.

She locked up the house as me and Nicole went to the car.

She put us in our car seats before driving off to the store. We sang and danced to songs on the way.

Soon we were at the Grocery store. She put us on the seat of the buggy and gave us a list of stuff.

"Shrimp" Nic said. Nana went and found the shrimp. "Salsa" I said. She went to find the salsa. "Steak" Nic said and rolled the buggy to get the meat.  "Ground beef" I said. She smiled at us and grabbed the meats. We went to get Noddles. Soon we had almost everything on the list.

"Con..doms? I said unsure and confused. Nana blushed and snatched the list from me, wide eyed as she looked at it. Me and Nic looked at each other confused.

"D-Don't mind them sweetie" Nana said. "I've never heard of those. Are they yummy?" I asked.

"Uh umm here are those Condoms" Nana said grabbing a box of star shaped cookies. She put them in the buggy. We checked out and packed everything in the car.

-Charlie's House-

We watched TV  and went to play outside while Nana worked on dinner. We played many games till the sun went down. We were washing up when Papa came come home.

We hugged him as he came through the door. "Papa Papa do you want to try a condom" I asked. His eyes widened in horror. He looked at Nana who pointed at the box of star shaped cookies, giving him a hard look.  He smiled down at me. "Maybe after Dinner Kiddo" He said sheepishly.

We were having steak and veggies for dinner. Me and Papa put a lot of steak sauce of our steaks.

We looked at each other's steaks and looked at each other smiling.

"Taking after old pops" He smiled. I giggled and ate my food.

-An hour later-

Jacob was coming to pick me up in a few minutes. "Nana can I have a condom" I asked sweetly. She muttered under her breath and opened the box of cookies. She gave me the star shaped pink cookie. I happily chomped on it.

Then we heard a car horn just as I finished the cookie. I kissed everyone's cheek. Papa carried me outside and put me in the back of Jake's rabbit. "Bye Papa, see you next weekend" I said. He kissed my head. Bye kiddo" He grinned and walked back to the house. Jake drove off to my house.

"You had fun?" Jake asked. I nodded happily. Soon we parked in the driveway Jake got me out and carried me insdie the house.

Jake put me down just as we entered the house. I ran to the living room. My eyes landed on Mommy and Daddy. I smiled and ran to them.

Mommy smiled and put me on her lap. "How was the weekend, Princess? Daddy asked after kissing my head.

"I had a lot of fun, I ate strawberries, watched movies, played games, ate a condom-" I was cut off by a shout. .

"Um Princess I didn't quite hear what you said at the end" Daddy said. "I ate a condom" I said.

Everything was silent. Then I heard laughing. Mommy and Daddy looked horrified

"Okay he should have just have you that boiled water" Sissy said facepalming. I giggled.

"Those were not condoms, those were just cookies" Eddie said. I tilted my head. "Then what are condoms" I asked. Everyone thing went quiet.

"Condoms are-". "Shut Up Emmett" Bella said cutting him off. Teddy pouted.

"Condoms are for protection" Daddy said. "What do they protect?" I asked.

"They protect that di-mhmhm" Sissy started but Eddie put his hand over her mouth.

"They protect you against diseases and unwanted things" Daddy forced out.

"Oh so it's like a shield" I asked. Everyone nodded.

"Then why did Nana have that on her shopping list" I asked. They froze. "Time for bed sweetie" Mommy said taking me upstairs as Teddy's laughter boom from downstairs.

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