Chapter 11

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-2 years later-

Its been two years since the Volturi came for my family. I still look the same, but my lungs have gotten worse. I have to do my breathing treatment every night. I couldn't run anymore, Daddy said bad me.

Jazzy had me boosted up on his shoulder as me,him and Alice walking through the mall. I hugged his head. "Alice did you find the store yet" Jazzy said as we walked through the mall.

"Here it is" Alice said happily and we entered a really cute little girls store. We went in and looked around at all the cute dresses.

Alice took me away from Jazzy and I tried on so many clothes. I got so much stuff, it was ridiculous. Soon we left the mall and I got something to eat then headed home.

We got home rushed in the house.I saw Mommy and hugged her legs.

"Mommy" I said happily. She looked down at me and picked me up. She then placed kisses all over my face, which caused me to giggle.

"How was shopping, Honey" Mommy asked nuzzling her nose on mine. I giggled and hugged her neck. "Mommy it was so much fun, Alice made me try on a lot of clothes and we bought them all, I don't think Ill be able to wear them all" I blabbed out. She smiled at me.

"Well it sounds like you had fun" She said. I nodded. She then put me down and I went to the living room and greeted the others.


I went up to Carlisle's study. I entered and he was just getting off the phone, smiling at me. "Can we just tell them already, I'm excited" I said.

He got up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Yes but I think Edward and Alice already know" He said amused. "They always know" I huffed. He chuckled at me and we walked downstairs to the living room. I saw everyone joking and playing around. Aiyana was playing with Chandler with a 15 year old looking Renesmee.

Aiyana looked up the us and grinned happily. "Daddy!!" She squealed happily as she saw Carlisle. He crouched down with his arms open as she ran into them. "How's my little Princess" He said lovingly. "I'm good Daddy" She sighed happy to be in his arms.


"Ok I have something to tell everyone, sit" I said. Then everyone sat down,even Chandler to my amusement. "We haven't been out of America in a while, so give us some places you all would like to go" I said.

Everyone started talking at the same time, except for Aiyana and Esme. "Ok ok clam down" I chuckled. Aiyana giggled.

"I say Spain" Edward suggested.

"What about Dubai" Emmett grinned.

"Bora Bora" Alice exclaimed

"Greece" Rosalie shrugged.

"Rome" Jasper added.

"France" Renesmee added grinning. Jacob shrugged.

Everyone turned their eyes to Aiyana. She blushed from the attention. "Japan" She muttered hiding her face in my chest. "She's thinking about all the Sakura trees" Edward smiled

"Let's take a vote" I suggested. Everyone raised their hands for Japan, we've never been there.

"Well Japan it is" Esme said. "Yay!!" Aiyana cheered adorably. We laughed at her excitement.

I put her down and she skipped throughout the house. I went to my study and booked hotel rooms, while everyone packed.


I picked up my baby. "Mommy this is gonna be my first time in a new country" She said softly. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "I know sweetie and we're gonna make it memorable for you" I said determined to make her first trip out the country one of the best experiences in her life.


I watched as Aiyana ate her Shrimp Alfredo. She really loves food, especially strawberries. Nessie and Jacob stared at her. "You eat like Jacob, just cleaner" Nessie said. I chuckled as Jacob playfully glared at Nessie.

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