24 May, 2019.

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Today morning, while wishing me luck, dad asked me to rest for a day before I start studying for the next subject because now there are 4 to 5 days before I give that exam. 

That's when I realised that I did not take any breaks while studying during this week, save for the half an hour after coming back home from that day's paper (and, like, eating food, taking baths and sleeping). I'm not sure whether I've done this for all my finals or not. But I think it's paying off!

Today I got a ride from the now familiar rickshaw guy. I think he's known me since I was still in school. At least I've known him since junior college. He normally travels only around my area, that's what mom has told me. But today he agreed to take me to my centre. His own words - "Have I ever said no to you?". Felt nice. 

My seat again got changed today. I was in the row next to my previous row. I had the fan above me this time so that was cool. My paper today was nice save for this one answer that I had to rack my brains to remember. 

I felt so relieved once I came back home! For the first time since exams began I didn't have to rush to finish revising an entire different portion in less than a day. It felt like I had just given my last exam.

I spoke to Kristen after what felt like ages and it felt really nice catching up with her. 

Okay there is quite a lot that has happened since I got off YouTube and Twitter roughly 25 days ago (WHAT). Even though I don't fully know about everything and I want to only talk about them after the exams got over, I would like to make one exception today because I cannot not talk a little about it. 

IZ*ONE IS COMING BACK WITH A NEW JAPANESE SINGLE ALBUMMMMMM! It's called "Buenos Aires". Their individual jacket photos for the single (of the same name) were released these past few days and they all look gorgeous as usual. This time the theme seems to be black/dark-misty and they're all wearing dainty but not-so-dainty earings. The concept looks really cool and I'm really excited for the comeback (is that what they call it in Japan? Idk). 

Good for me, the album drops on 26th June and even if the MV is released a couple of days before that, it will only be after my exams get over.

Oh, fun fact. All of IZ*ONE's title songs seem to be inspired by different languages/places: La Vie En Rose - French, Sukito Iwasetai - Japanese, Violeta - Spanish and now Beunos Aires - Spanish again but it's also a city in Argentina.

Apparently today they dropped the tracklist for the album along with full group pics. It looks like Minju is the centre this time. Maybe their not compulsory sticking to only one centre with IZ*ONE. Altogether, the album will have the following songs:

-> Buenos Aires
-> Tomorrow
-> Target 
-> Younger Boyfriend
-> Human Love

Not sure whether any of these songs are unit songs or have separate videos like their debut Japanese album did but it'll be great if they do. Now I have one huge thing to look forward to in addition to various other things that I had mentioned in a previous. 

Dad was in a mood to drink today so Alex joined him. So did I! I was surprised when he allowed me to, considering my exams are still going on. Dad wasn't joking when he said I could rest for a day. Mom was pissed tho. She didn't obstruct much so that's cool. We had our rum and since I was only going to/ allowed to drink one glass, I accompanied mom to have dinner. Mom also seemed to be in a celebratory mood today for she had made bread pudding!

After dinner, I didn't exactly study but I did figure out how to go about studying Export Marketing. It's not one of my favourite subjects this year which is why I have to put more efforts into motivating myself to study this time.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now