19 June, 2019.

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I watched Amanda get ready and leave for college in the morning but didn't feel like waking up. I eventually did so around 9:30AM due to a phone call.

My relationship manager finally fucking got in touch with me, only after I transferred almost all my money from the account. At this point, I'm not going to recover anything from the brokerage issue I faced in March but I can definitely give them an earful for the recent goof-ups they've been making.

I had breakfast and had a good chat with Aunt S and her husband. We spoke about their life at sea where her husband works from time to time, about my grandmother and what kind of a person she was.

Post that, I helped around with a bit of their decor work. The rest of the day was pretty normal. We had yesterday's left overs for lunch. It was Chinese so I'm not complaining.

I rearranged Aunt S' jewelry in the afternoon, spoke to Amanda once she came back home and then I left for home by 7:30-45PM.

So now I've gotten one more thing out of my to-meet/do-in-vacation list.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now