11 June, 2019.

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Today was an emotional day in college.

So I checked my results yesterday (for my certificate course, not the exams I just gave) and I was not happy with it. At all. I've got an above 9 GPA in all the semesters (yes, the grading in my college is not that strict) except this one and that just does not feel right. I probably wouldn't have cared if this wasn't my final grade which would go on my resume. My potential employers might not give a damn about what I scored before the final semester (kinda like how people don't care about the 11th grade scores) and this grade does not showcase my actual performance/capabilities.

And can you guess the only subject where I did bad? Statistics. I scored pretty well in other subjects but this one pulled my average score down. I probably should've foreseen it with how mentally drained the professor's "policy" made me for the final test. And even the final project. The whole minor come to think of it.

My college has this grade improvement system. I never went though it because I never needed to. As I said before, I didn't want this final grade to discard all the efforts that I have taken throughout my three years in this college. So I went to college to sort it out.

It's been quite a while since I traveled by train but unlike like last year, I was pretty indifferent with traveling by train again.

I went to the new library (that has suddenly appeared in our college) cause the grade improvement forms were kept with the "librarian". Now this librarian is actually responsible for a lot of administration work and she was in the middle of one when I came to her. So I decided to take a look at the books until she got free. It's a pity they didn't have a library before. It would've probably been my haven.

Anyways, I patiently waited for more than 15 mins just to ask for the form. That's because the librarian was busy expressing her anger over the pressure everyone apparently puts on her. I went to her when she seemed to cool down but she snapped at me as well? Wtf?! I have always been one of those who greeted her when her work space was far away from everyone else and I've always been very respectful towards her. I don't understand why she would treat me this way, even after she saw me patiently waiting for her. I can understand that she's under stress but yo, I'm no stress ball.

Anyways, since she wouldn't answer me properly, I went to our coordinator, Ms. Stephanie.

She joined us this academic year itself and I didn't like her in the beginning because she was so confused with her role. But I gradually started liking her as time went by and now she might one of my favs in this college.

Anyways, I consulted her and we had a huge ass discussion on how to take this forward. She knew my stats problem so I think she was the best person to advice me. In the beginning, she frankly told me that even if the stats professor takes a re-exam, first of all, he'll cause the logistics and time issue yet again. Plus he is asshole enough not to give a desirable increase in marks. He might give a tougher test and with the brilliant way he has taught this subject, we might end up getting lesser than the current score. Oh yeah, it's not just me. The average score in this class is MILES below any other class.

So grade improvement wouldn't have been a good option. Just to double check, she called up one of our professors (who is apparently incharge of grade improvement) and he said that it's not the actual professors but him who would be evaluating the grade improvement assignments/projects. And even then, he will only improve the grade by 1 level. Wut? I'm not paying 500 bucks for just one grade up. What if they provide me with a real test and I score so much more than just "one grade up". How is that fair?

Since we're on the topic of these tests, Ms. Stephanie told me that the previous grade improvement assignments have been shit. Thats when I realised that this college might not really have a proper system for grade evaluation. I'd rather give a proper test and earn my marks instead of just paying for them. And the grade doesn't even improve much.

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