12 June, 2019.

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Yesterday, the Vice Dean indirectly gave me permission to do the online course but today morning, I woke up to another mail from the 'grade improvement coordinator' saying that I'd still have to go through the grade improvement system.

Bro, if your senior has agreed then what's itching your ass? This was totally not part of the grade improvement process so why are you making your own rules? The thing is that I had no problem paying up but originally, grade improvement meant that I would only get one grade up. Who is to say for sure that they'll take my online course into consideration and mark me accordingly? I couldn't take that risk. By now, I've realised how people can easily fool you here and you need to have a face to face conversation to get stuff done.

So I went to college yet again to speak to whoever would listen to me. The first person was Ms. Stephanie. The mails go to her as well so she already knew the situation. She asked me to meet the Vice Dean (something I was anyways planning to do) so I did. The Vice Dean acknowledged that I am one of the good students and allowed me to do the online course without going through the grade improvement process. I also wanted to ensure that I get a higher grade if I put in the hardwork. She asked me to send her another mail to make it official.

I was so happy when she said that. Honestly, I didn't think she'd agree but since they are anyways offering to improve our grades, why should I let it go when I have an option not to?

Once again, thank you so much Ms. Stephanie, you were my hope in this entire situation and also during the stats test debacle. Eventhough the circumstances are totally different, both of us are leaving this college. I hope that you find a place where people care about you and appreciate the efforts you take to get things done. I hope you have a happy life.

Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten a reply to my mail but I have decided to get done with the course as soon as I can, which will help to leverage my request and prove to them that I deserve a better score. At this point, I just hope the Vice Dean doesn't play with me. Cause I'll feel terrible if she does.

Apart from going to college, the only other thing I did was the course. But that was until Sasha, Sia and Nicole came over. Don't know if I mentioned this but their brother has shifted back to their old house again and he has adopted two cats. This is why those three keep on coming here. We used to go to the terrace quite a lot of times when we were kids so we decided to do that this time as well. However, the keys were with this strict secretary and for some reason, my dad wasn't sure if we'd be allowed. I honestly don't have a clue with what goes on in our building so I'm as good as those three.

Sure enough, the secretary didn't give us the keys right away. Our building is still under repairs so he said that the terrace might be open. It was and we spent some time there. I don't know what the secretary thinks of us but at one point, he did come to check on us. That's strange.

Anyways, we spoke about some incidents that we remembered as kids, their recent trip to Mauritius, hostel life, drinking/partying, future life, etc. When their brother came back from office, we went to his/their place.

Everyone except me started playing with the cats. And after a while they decided to record a song. I think it's a new hobby that the entire family has picked up. I knew they were musically inclined but not to an extent where they'd want to make an original song. They already had the lyrics and a bit of the tune in place but they still had to figure the rest of the song out.

Alex and I just watched/listened to them all this while. Yes, I like singing but I can only do that when I'm alone so there was no way I was going to join in. The online course was always at the back of my mind throughout this and by 11:30PM, I (sans Alex) decided to head back home.

It's past 12 now, but I have no intention of stopping yet. I want to complete as much as I can.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now