10 June, 2019.

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Oh I knew this was going to happen.

So I'm back home from my first plan for the vacations and I'm hella confused how to how go about with the rest.

So first of all, I desperately need to up my social game. There so many people that I want to make plans with but then comes the question of whom to meet first and when.  Everyone needs to be free and no plans should overlap.

Now that vacations are on, my YouTube detox is officially off. As said before, even though I have read articles and caught up on some things, there is SO MUCH that is left to be seen/heard and I don't know where to begin. It's overwhelming.

And then the final thing is the "what next?" question. I need to have several plans of actions and as of now, a good 0% of those are in motion. This part is pulling my energy down more than the previous two.

Then I need to start organising my belongings, be it digital or non-digital and also buy a couple of things ahead of the rainy season.

Woooaaaaahhhh! The logistics of this all is fucking me up.

And you know what's worse? I have yet again caught  a cold/cough/headache/weakness which is making things even more difficult than it should be.

I did manage to do one thing tho. I sorted a bit of my laptop files. There's an in depth sorting/filtering pending but I'll do that some other time.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now