6 July, 2019.

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It's Kristen's treat day! All of Kirsten's treats ever since we became friends have been great so I was excited for today. Besides, I hadn't spoken- let alone met- Paul in a long time so I was looking forward to that as well.

The three of us were headed towards the suburban side (beyond my suburb) so we decided to meet at my station and then travel together. On my way to the station, I went got a bubble blower for Kristen cause she was wishing for it the other day.

I met the two, we took a train and headed towards our desired station. Paul told me all about his new job. There are other kids from our college with him and for the first couple of days/weeks, they were on rotation. Paul and another friend of ours are currently eyeing the same spot. Paul feels his task is a little difficult compared hers so he has lesser chances of getting the position. I hope he gets it!

The station we got off at was a relatively new one and there weren't many proper roads built in the direction we were headed towards. After contemplating whether to take the main highway-linked bridge or walk under it, we opted for the latter. Luckily we got a rick to take us to our cafe.

So today, Kirsten took us to a (board) game cafe. The intention was to the play for the entire day, while having some good food and company. The cafe opened at 12PM and we reached the place around that time. The main staff and managers weren't around so we took the opportunity to take a good look at all the games the place had to offer and made a mental note of what all to play.

The cafe had A LOT of frickin' games! It was a board game lover's heaven. The interiors of the cafe were alright, enough to make it look like it's a game oriented place but nothing too fancy.

We finally met the friendly managers who explained everything to us, including the pricing structure. The first game we played was called "The Settlers Of Catan". Paul knew how to play it so he took it upon himself to explain the game to Kristen and I. It took a quite some time but that's okay. We had a lot of time to spare.

Ofcourse the two of us took our own time to understand the game. This was a HELLA strategic game! Paul is someone who will explain each and every rule and won't cheat. But he is VERY competitive and will not reveal his strategy or help us out if we can't use our brains. Through this game I realised how good Paul is at negotiating and how pathetic Kristen and I are at making deals.

It was a very interesting game that went on for a LONG time! Of course, Paul won but I wouldn't call it an easy win by any chance.

We then ordered some pizzas and baked mushroom and while we waited for that to come, we played multiple rounds of "Exploding Kittens". The cards were extremely weird but hilarious! :P We also played Jenga (obviously because of me. I love the game a bit too much). Guess who did a good job there? ;)

We then proceeded to play Monopoly. Now that I think about it, Kristen and I should've known better than to agree to it. As I said before, we SUCK at negotiation. This game was totally Paul's yet again. In the beginning it was alright but soon we found ourselves bleeding to Paul. I never get to the part where we trade cards but Paul was adamant that we do it.

He finally had mercy on the two of us and stopped the game (apparently, he plays this with his sister and doesn't allow her to leave until he full and square wins the full game). It was around 6PM by the time we wrapped up.

This place is nice. The food was good too (except the baked potato. That was such a sad dish). I'll probably go back there someday.

We all boarded our respective trains and I met Alex at our station because he was coming from the other direction around the same time I was. After coming back home, I watched the India vs. Sri Lanka match and a lot of Katie Horan vids.

My head has aching really bad nowadays which means that it's high time I visit my eye doc.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now