11 July, 2019.

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I realised that I don't really own any gym clothes so mom and I decided to go out shopping today. There's a mall near my dad's work place so he dropped us there on his way.

I guess we were super early cause the stores were just opening up when we arrived. Is 11AM not a good time to visit malls? We wandered around the mall for about 45 mins and decided which stores to visit today.

I think I'd love to shop in the mornings. There were very few people in the stores so mom and I could take our time to look through a lot of aisles with ease. I remember the last time I visited a mall. It was during a sale period and the stores were filled to a point where I wasn't able to walk around without bumping into another being or stepping on some cloth.

But a better reason for shopping early is that there's no queue for the trail rooms! We could bring as many clothes as we wanted (the normal rule is 3 clothes per person) and make many trips to the trial room cause almost all of them were empty! It felt so nice!

I initially went to shop for gym clothes but ended up trying to find some other pieces as well. Don't think I was very successful tho. I want to try out new things but somehow I end up getting drawn to things similar to what I already own (and they're not that trendy or fashionable). I don't know when am I going to grow out of them oversized stuff.

We entered one of the stores and you would not believe what song they were playing.


I am not even kidding. I was stunned for those couple of minutes. I had never ever expected this song to be played. BTS would've also surprised me but not for long, considering their current popularity.

Rumour was totally unexpected because even though it blew up in South Korea, the song doesn't belong to the extremely popular girl groups (worldwide) like Blackpink or Twice. It comes from a Korean survival show! Besides, this was the survival show that formed IZ*ONE, a group that I've come to love ever since their debut. I was so so happy to hear the song. Any IZ*ONE related song being played in India was totally unanticipated. But I loved it!

The store also played Blackpink's Ddu Du Ddu Du and even though I was happy listening to it, I wasn't that surprised by that point.

By the end of our shopping, I had bought myself 3 simple tops, 1 pair of leggings, 1 kurti and a long dress.

On the whole I wasn't very satisfied with my shopping but I did buy something unconventional if you noticed. Yes, I bought a dress. Mom actually tried that dress out but they didn't have one in her size. I liked the outfit so much that I found one that fit me and decided to buy it right away. It's literally been AGES since I found some clothing item that actually fit me well. I looked good in that "fitted" dress and that's a first. I'm happy. Hopefully, I'll be able to find the right occasion to wear it in because it's more of an elegant, garden party type dress (don't know where that came from. I don't think Indians even keep garden parties. At least no one who'd invite me).

I think I would've found more pieces if we stayed back and looked at more stuff but I had to reach home early. None of the previous job opportunities posted on our WhatsApp group have been anywhere close to the field I want to work in. Ofcourse they had to choose today of all days to post an opportunity that I could finally fucking apply to. But I needed to make some changes to my CV before sending it across so we had to cut short our shopping trip.

We did grab lunch at the food court tho. Mom went for the Burger King meal. I wanted to try out something different so I ordered a box momos for the two of us. I also wanted to eat Indian for a change but then realised that that would've been too much so I ultimately opted for a KFC roll and some chicken popcorn (a must item if we ever visit KFC).

After that, we took a rick to a (not so) nearby station followed by a crowded train and came back home. I quickly made the necessary changes to my CV and gave my application. I then spoke to Kristen, Venus and Daisy. Yes boys, my social life isn't dead yet.

Oh yeah, and I did make the chapati dough today.😇

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now