23 August, 2019.

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Today's first half was not good. I felt very frustrated and irritated with everything.

The only good/productive thing I did was complete today's Duolingo target. I've moved on to verbs and it's getting tough now cause I haven't really come across a lot of these words. Or maybe I have, but they never stuck with me like some other more common words did.

But I calmed down in the evening. Mom and I went to the library to exchange her book and went on to exchange a pair of pants that turned out to be too small for me. After getting some veges, we came back home.

After dinner, I exercised and then applied a face mask. Due to rains and the repair work going on in my building, we hang our clothes on an indoors foldable rack. Even though it looks good, it takes up a lot of space in my room. Since the area near my desk is slightly bigger than Alex's the rack ended up being on my side and I keep on bumping into it from time to time. Normally I fold the clothes the next day but this time I decided to fold them (the dry ones) at night itself so that I have a bit more space to move around. So I did that.

I just finished fully updating my money matters book now that my demat account is shut and I got my money transferred to my bank account. I had been waiting to fill those blanks for a long time.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now