21 August, 2019.

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Yesterday, dad and I had yet another conversation about my future and I truthfully told him that whenever I sit to do any kind of career research, it feels like I'm late for everything and that guilt prevents me from doing anything about it.

He asked me not to get frustrated or think too much on those lines.

But then today when I went to talk to mom about admissions for a masters' course, she again reminded me that I'm thinking things very late. Why is she doing this?! I know that I am but if I'm trying even one step towards getting out of it, why aren't you allowing me to do so?

Alex saw me crying and calmed me down. I don't want to get him involved cause I don't want to distract him from his own work.

Mom and I ended up going to a nearby college to enquire for masters' admission. I wasn't so keen on going to this college in my junior college days but now I don't mind enrolling there. The admission's guy told us that the course has already begun but we could speak to the Principal and see if they could make an exception for me.

Now that was unexpected. I didn't prepare any kind of documents to go meet a Principal. Anyways, mom and I waited outside the Principal's office for a long time. He was busy with something at the time.

The college was celebrating their own inter-collegiate fest so we had to wait for even more time while the Principal greeted and had brief discussions with the chief guests. One of them was a good actor who mostly played comic roles. He also greeted my mom with a namaste and I found that quite respectful of him.

Anyways, the Principal then had to go address the fest attendees. He did notice us and asked us to wait when we told him that we were there for masters' admissions (that is only after asking for my finals score).

While waiting for the Principal to come back, the first admission's guy we spoke to saw us and told us "in confidence" that the course still had seats available. But he asked us not to divulge this information or who we got it from during our meet with the Principal. According to him, the only reason why he even said that to us is because he could see that I'm serious about studying. Wow. Okay.

Finally, after I don't even know how many goddamn hours, we got to meet the Principal. I told him all about my education and results situation. He listened to everything and do you know what he said? He said all the seats in all of their masters' courses have been filled.


Dude, we had already told you that we were here for masters' admission. Why the fuck would you make us wait for so long just to tell us you don't have seats whatsoever?! That statement being a lie is an entire different issue.

He probably had some unresolved issues with the University as well as the Institute I come from cause he then went on to lowkey bash the Institute's degree saying that it isn't applicable outside India and that the University should keep a common entrance test for the Master's programs in order to not let "anybody and everybody" secure admissions. I was not at all happy hearing all this.

What a waste of a visit. One of my college mates got admission in another college so if I really want to pursue this degree, I could try going there.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now