1 September, 2019.

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I woke up not feeling great. I went to the gym but was totally not in a good mood. Well, actually I wasn't in any mood. Getting a terrible shoe bite due to new shoes didn't help much. Also, I don't think the gym manager likes me much. Her attitude towards Alex and me is very different.

After coming back home, I took a bath, read the newspaper, folded some clothes and cleared my study table.

Post lunch, I cleared the dining table and put shoe laces on my on-the-verge-of-being-torn Converse shoes. Thereafter I cleared some unnecessary files on my phone and re-painted my nails.

I spent my afternoon watching/reading a lot of info for registration for CAT and NMAT.

The registrations for both these exams don't shut for at least another week so even if I seem like I'm rushing, I still have time to think a little more rationally and change my decisions.

After yesterday morning's sudden change of plans (or should I say sudden existence of plans), dad and I took a moment to think rationally. I explained my point of view about this whole situation, that included both negative and positive points.

I agree that a lot of time has gone and ideally I should've had my plans ready last year itself which is how I would've avoided feeling so stranded now.

But then again, I thought I'd get placed from college itself, work for 2-3 years or how many ever years it would take for me to be eligible for the top tier Global MBA schools and then work hard towards clearing my GMAT or other MBA exams to bag a spot in these B schools. But the first step of my plan isn't working out and that has crumpled my entire plan.

Whatever course I decide to opt for now would essentially mean I'd be re-starting my education only in 2020 and if that's the case, I want to plan that well and take the correct and early steps this time. My decisions shouldn't be hasty but they have to be quick.

Today, I didn't have much time to do any real "time pass" that I've indulged in since exams got over and I liked it. I feel like I've chilled for as much as I could and if now I don't get to relax, that's more than fine. I'm done with my fair share of relaxation.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now