3 July, 2019.

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I had a lazy morning as usual until
my dad tasked me with some banking work.

I had to go to 4 different banks around my area. Since I still don't know how to ride the scooter, I had no option but to walk to each place and I hadn't been to any of these banks before. I reached the first bank and good lord there were a lot of people there. I was confused with the counters but eventually found my way. This bank had a ticket system instead of a queue because of the number of people present so I got that and waited for my turn.

For over an hour.

I had plenty of time to look around and figure out which counter handled what part of banking. I wondered if that bank primarily catered to senior citizens cause 99% of the customers looked old.

Eventually it was my turn and I got done in a matter of few minutes. But I still had to go to 3 other banks. Due to time constraints, I couldn't make it to one bank and had to return back home without completing all my tasks.

BTS' new movie Bring The Seoul is going to be released worldwide and this time I want to go see it. The site shows that it's going to be releasing at a nearby theatre and I was so happy to see that. Now I just hope that the tickets are not so expensive and I'm able to book a ticket on a day when I'm free. And yes, I do plan on going alone.

My data pack for the day got exhausted so I ended up watching the New Zealand vs. England match. Wasn't really supporting either so I was just hoping that it would be an interesting/close match.

I'm thinking of getting my hair cut tomorrow. I also want to get Kristen another gift but don't know what to buy and from where.

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