12 August, 2019.

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I finally completed Alex's GRE words! Now I won't feel guilty of not helping him. :)

I watching some of Cari cakes' videos. One of them talks about learning Korean. She recommended this app called Duolingo and I quickly downloaded it. I intentionally didn't click on the button that said "skip basics" because I wasn't sure what exactly counted as basic in Korean.

But now I've found myself taking quizzes on the Hangeul vowels and consonants, something that I've mastered long back. In a way it's good that there are loads of repeated questions cause then the alphabets/words are engrained in your brain but it's highly annoying at this most basic level.

I have to attempt (and pass obviously) a certain number of quizzes to get to the next round and because I don't like to leave things halfway, I end up wanting to finish all the quizzes of that round, which takes up a lot of time. Oh, I had forgotten how competitive I can get.

In the evening, dad and I went to visit my grandad. It's a family tradition to give sweets and take blessings from grandparents whenever you pass any examination. And this time I had a completed my graduation which my grandad considers as a pretty big deal. Dad and I bought sweets and snacks and went to granddad's. Uncle D's wife was present when we came but had to leave for one of her prayer classes.

They gave us some snacks to eat and we got talking to granddad. I realised that I hadn't informed Aunt P about my results so I did that over video call. As per another tradition, granddad gave me a cheque as a graduation gift . And holy crap, the amount is not small! It is not small by any chance! I was shocked and kinda felt undeserving. I didn't want granddad to give away this much of his hard earned money. But he had already made up his mind and wouldn't change it. Thanks a lot Aajoba! I will make you even more proud!

Amanda is currently in Thailand for a family trip. From what I've heard it was a pretty last minute trip for them. And guess what I got to know later on? Her boyfriend and his family have also gone to Thailand.....

Wow, now that's completely another level of open mindedness! I would never in a million years imagine that I'd see this. As I said before, it may not be a big thing in general, but in my family it kind of is. 

Well, at this point, I just hope this is all doesn't go down in vain in the future.

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