4 September, 2019.

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Looks like yesterday's pain caught up to me today. When I woke up today morning, I wasn't able to move at all. My entire body was sore. And because I sleep on the top bunk, getting down was a hassle too.

I quickly took a bath, got ready and left for college by 8:50AM. It was still raining when I left home but it was nowhere as bad as near my college. You couldn't even see beyond a certain point. When I got off at my station, I saw a large number of people standing on the station bridge, just waiting for the rains to slow down.

It eerily reminded me of that day when there was a stampede at that station. *Shivers*. My college is really close to the station so I didn't bother waiting. Plus that memory was still clearly etched in my mind and I didn't want to take my chances.

While waiting for Deborah and Isabelle to come, I explored the new cafe opened up in place of that amazing sandwich place. It was mostly a healthy breakfast joint and yup, expensive too.

The two finally arrived and I was SO happy to meet them. I mean, we haven't met since March! We got to know that the Graduation dry run has been cancelled and we just had to pick up our robes today. Wow.

We got to the place where they were distributing the robes and learnt that are two, one of them being a "special one". I got the "special" robe but it was honestly pointless cause half the robes were "special". I wouldn't be surprised if they did this just because they weren't able to arrange for one type of graduation robes for everyone.

Anyways, the robes were bigger than I expected. The management had told us that we could only collect our robes today. It wasn't possible for Kristen so she had requested that I pick hers. And suddenly, today morning Gurtley asked me for the same!

Initially I was all ready to pick up Kirsten's (not Gurtley's because Kirsten had asked me long back and Gurtley should've known better than to expect me to carry three fucking robes back home). But when I heard that the robes will be available tomorrow as well, I figured it would be best for all of us if they both came and collected theirs when they come for graduation.

Besides, the only reason why the management insisted on us picking our robes today was because they needed ironing....

I don't understand why did we just pay 1000 bucks to rent out a robe for a day that they couldn't even iron!

Anyways, I also spoke to a couple of faculty members, including the placement handler. Said he's sent my CV across to a big company but hasn't gotten any reply.

Since we had time in hand, Deborah, Isabella and I roamed around the college for a bit, reminiscing memories we shared on that particular day. We took some pics too. After going back to the resident cafe, we met a couple of our classmates, celebrated Isabelle's birthday (almost a month after the actual date) with a brownie and left for home at about 11:30AM.

The road to the station was even more flooded when I left the building. But it was still manageable. Luckily, I didn't have any problems with the trains today. Even though they were most probably late, I was able to board (an empty) one and reach my station so that's what counts.

It was raining heavily in my area as well. The road right in front of the station was flooded till the ankle.

I got my formal photograph taken cause I desperately needed that for my applications. The photos were going to be ready in the evening but with what happened next, I already knew that I would have to take them some other day.

The rickshaws wouldn't take me to my place because apparently the lanes were all flooded. They weren't lying. My area rarely gets waterlogged but today I found myself struggling to walk in thigh deep water. I more or less had idea of where the drainage holes were placed but I still had to walk very slowly and carefully, almost along the centre of the roads and reach home.

My body was anyways aching the entire time but it was only when I was back home that the pain hit me with its full intensity. Mom says it's because when it was outside, my mind was preoccupied with other people/things and now that I'm back home, it chooses to remind me of my pain.

Dude I couldn't even take one step ahead or raise my arms. For the rest of the day.

I slept for around an 2-3 hours, and too after a lot of hassle. I then finalised by NMAT Colleges, painted my nails, had dinner, made mom iron my graduation attire (thank youuu), applied face masks and packs and took a bath.

I then worked on filling the CAT form and I had to do things multiple times because my login session time got exhausted. What an inconvenience. Then I started researching on prepping for these entrances. I need to do shit really fucking fast cause the days are going by and I keep having less and less days to prepare.

To be honest, I'm really confused with the prep. I honestly don't feel like joining any kind of classes now. I want to plan on my own as per my schedules and capabilities. I can't be spending a lot of time on traveling now.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now