22 July, 2019.

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In the morning, Alex and I went to the gym to get ourselves registered. The form was pretty big and intrusive but I guess popular gyms need to remind others why their on the top in the first place? I don't know what I'm saying. Alex hadn't seen the gym so we checked it out and then left for home.

I'm the afternoon I started watching Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald until 3PM after which I got ready and left for my 3:30 eye doc appointment. Yep, it's that time of the year when I finally go and take care of my fucked up eyes. After (more than) an hour at the clinic, I came out with my left eye number increased by a whole ass 1. My right eye is stable and that's a first. I've never heard the words "my eyes" in "stable" in one sentence before. But my left eye has caught up with my right eye so not all is positive.

Since my eye doc's clinic is near our market, we decided to go pick up some items. Due to eye drop induced dilated pupils, I wasn't able to look up straight at all. I couldn't even open my eyes when I was under the sunlight. We bought some vegetables and walked back home.

My eyes were slowly getting back to normal by the time I came home so I decided to watch the rest of the movie. And I really liked it! I really love reading books or watching movies that are not just centred around the lead pair and the villain, but also narrate more about the other characters' personalities and their background stories. This movie did just that. As Alex said, if the first movie introduced some of the crucial characters of the series, this one sets the plot. There are a ton(ne) of unanswered questions that I'm guessing will be up to the sequels to unravel.

In the evening, I finally had that "career guidance" meeting with one of my building residents. He gave me a brief overview of the Finance world and how things primarily work. We had a good chat and at the end of our conversation, he gave me an assignment/exercise in order to figure out where exactly my interests lie. I think I can only call it a successful meet if I'm actually able to go through with the assignment and get to know what I want.

After dinner, Alex and I watched an episode of Mentalist afterwhich I cut a box full of onions (I don't understand how we manage to finish one box in a day. I cooked for 2 days and I still had enough for a third dish). I also made the chapati dough. I didn't rush it this time and now it's been well past midnight.

Alex and I are planning to leave for gym tomorrow by 6:45AM. Pretty ambitious, I know. Let's see if we're successful. And the first step to doing that is going to sleep right away. Ciao.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now