18 July, 2019.

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My phone battery apparently got drained some time last night so my alarm didn't go off. Yup, I woke up late and with a start. Dad was already in the kitchen preparing to make today's food and do all the morning chores so I decided to sleep again.

And then I woke up by 10AM. Felt great.

After dad left for office and Alex left for college, I folded yesterday's clothes and had a late bath at around 12PM. I then put all the clothes back in place and had my lunch, cleared everything.

I did a bit of career research in the afternoon, especially since I was to meet someone from my building for career advice.

While my laptop hit updates, I cut onions, looked for the chapati flour (cause the current pack got over) and tried to pour a new 10 kilo pack of flour in a box. But I had to wait until Alex came and helped me cause I'm a weakling :/

I tried to make today's chapati dough but it was a totally fail. The dough got all sticky and I didn't know how to correct it cause I never got into such a situation before.

Mom came back tonight and I was so relieved. I MISSED THAT WOMAN SO MUCH!

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now