19 July, 2019.

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From house work point of view, I made chapatis, cut onions and made rice.

Remember the time I had to cut short my shopping strip in order to send my CV to a company? Well, they finally got back to me today. My interview is scheduled for tomorrow.

Obviously I was in preparation mood since the moment I got off that call. I prepared until it was time to leave for a sudden last minute dinner plan.

Allow me to explain.

My senior college friend circle hasn't met ever since exams got over. None of our plans seem to work out. We were initially planning to meet today but that got canned since half the people weren't available. When that didn't work out, Kristen and I decided to make a plan along with Venus. But we forgot that the woman has one of her endless exams this coming Monday.

Kristen and I then planned to meet up but then we had another problem. The place where Kristen is interning has an event taking place tomorrow at a place which is a bit far from where the two of us stay. Kristen didn't know what time she'd get dismissed so I suggested we meet some other day cause I didn't want it to be a conditional plan.

So I didn't have any plans today until I got an unexpected called from Vanessa. We've been SUPER irregular with our chats and I last met the girl in 2017!! To be really honest, when Vanessa left for her law school three years ago and seemed to have a great time there, I thought she'd forget about me. I mean we hardly stayed in contact since then. Yes, we met once in 2017 and we had a lot of fun that day, but for some reason I thought she probably doesn't want to associate with me anymore, I was no longer up to her (intellectual) level.

Hmm... so the previous me hasn't fully faded away, huh?

Anyways, she's in town only until Sunday and asked me if I'd be free to meet her for dinner. I definitely still want to remain in contact with her, I've had a lot of great memories with her so I agreed. Did I mention that I hadn't met her in more than 2 years?! That's crazy!!

And not just Vanessa but Jessica agreed to the plan too. Even though I just met her at Paloma's birthday party, she is a really fun person to hang out with. I was really glad she could make it too.

So I got ready and left home by 6:30PM, caught the desired train and got off at the the station. I ditched the GPS recommended route because the place looked shady. I was more comfortable with the main road. More so because I had come across that road a lot of times (the place we decided to meet at is near my (ex?) senior college). I also came across a building which is probably where my interview will take place tomorrow.

Vanessa had booked a 7:30PM table for us and I had reached outside the compound by that time. Yet I didn't enter the place because I was worried they'd ask me for an ID if I entered alone. You see, I'm a 98 liner so I should be as good as considered of "entering-drinking-places" age. But I turn 21 in December and I've heard some places don't care about the year of birth, it's the date that matters. Dammit, why can't we adopt South Korea's age system in such situations?

Anyways, I waited for a really long time for either of the two to show up. Vanessa's shifted houses and now apparently stays "just 15 mins away" from the microbrewery. Jessica on the other hand was to join us from her workplace that was in that compound itself. After about 20 mins, I met up with Jessica below her client's office and we went in together. Thankfully nobody asked us for IDs. I couldn't see a thing when we first entered the place, it was too dark. It was only when we somehow managed to sit at our table that I had the chance to figure out the interiors. The lighting was intentionally very poor, I think drinking places always have less light? Anyways, I liked the layout of the place. The only major lighting area was at the bar. The roof was made of glass so I'm guessing it's a good place to visit during the day time as well.

We spoke for a while, took pictures and went and ordered something cause we were hungry and Vanessa was taking too much time. That girl had such a bad luck today. Obviously she must have left home late and then apparently got stuck in traffic. Then her boots broke so she had to go back home and ended up paying the full amount to the UBER guy. After coming back home she realised that none of her family members were in the house and she didn't have any keys on her. Somehow her neighbour happened to lend her a pair of footwear (that were 2 sizes big for her) and she finally reached the place only to forget the book she wanted to gift Jessica in the (regular) taxi. *Facepalm* She ended up coming half an hour after we did.

While Vanessa opted for the place's popular beer, Jessica and I shared a martini. How do I find such nice people who are ready to share drinks with me? As for food, we filled ourselves with only nachos and some jalapeno poppers cause those two dishes were LOADED with cheese. The three of us had a great time! We spoke about guy incidents (not that I have (m)any), ideal types, careers, drinking scenes, etc. After about an hour of that, we decided to go somewhere else for dessert. That place wasn't cheap y'all.

We had a brownie at a nearby dessert place and then left for home. Jessica accompanied me on the train until she got off at her station. I reached home well before time so all's good.

Overall I had a really nice day today. It felt great meeting those two. I hope the next time I meet Vanessa, it's not directly in 2021.🙈

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now