12 July, 2019.

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My legs started aching last night. And at one point I unusually felt so cold that I started shivering and my teeth started clattering. Strange.

Today morning, I rolled some chapatis and scraped a coconut. Post lunch, I continued with my "career research" (this is the name I've decided to use when I am doing research or just anything regarding my career). Anyways, after a bit of surfing on the net, I've got some info on MBA now.

So I have decided something. My goal for now is to secure admission to a good MBA college (not this year but within the next 3-4 years for sure). I'll start with that. I need to research and make a (short)list of my desired colleges, then work on the pre-requisites of those colleges. It's easier said than done tho.

After watching one Indian YouTuber's vlog, I came to know about this Korean joint called Kori's. Apart from it being K food oriented, what attracted me to this place was that they offered various thali/meal box type options which is perfect for one person. I've been on a lookout for such meal box delivery places cause then I can order myself one in case there is any disagreement on the choice of food. So it's a good thing that I found about this place, right? Wrong. Kori's only have outlets in Delhi....

Why isn't there something like this here?!!

In the evening, I went out with mom to do some vegetable shopping. Mom's going to go to her religious place for almost a week, starting tomorrow. This time, I've unexpectedly taken up the task to cook food for the three of us in her absence.

Have I ever cooked regular Maharashtrian food before or even know how to cook a meal? Nope. I'm more than willing to give it a try tho. It's probably the high from having made one successful dish last week but I've decided to take up this challenge. Don't really have Alex's (and a lot of dad's) support but I shall do it anyway.

So mom and I bought some veges and a LOT of snack items, some for our house and some for Aunt S'. Dad also has a weekend getaway planned with his cousins so we got him some snacks too (read drink accompaniments).

For some reason I felt way too hungry on our way back even when I had had a packet of oats before leaving. It's even more surprising considering how I hardly eat anything in the evenings nowadays.

After dinner, mom and I sat down and I made a list of everything I'm supposed to be doing while mom is away. I also noted down the recipies for the bhaaji/usads that I'll be making for the week.

Alex has his doubts and rightfully so but let's give this a go?

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now