29 June, 2019.

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A week or two ago, I was sure that I'd be spending my weekend out of town and I was really excited for it. None of my plans worked out and guess what, I still had an amazing time.

Kristen, Venus and I were supposed to be at the cafe by 10 but I woke up around that time. So did Kristen and Venus so it was all cool.

I got dressed in this orange palazzo pants that I never wore before because they looked like pajamas and because I couldn't find a top that made it not look like one. I buried my self conscious this time and decided to be bold for once, even if I was at a risk of being overdressed.

After getting ready, Alex and I left home by 10:30AM (he was going to his robot friend's house). I got a rick and reached the cafe. Surprise surprise, I was the first one to arrive.

Kirsten loves experimenting with cuisines so she decided to give us a treat at a Spanish cafe. The place looked cute, even though it was quite small. I looked at the menu and I couldn't understand shit. Naturally my attention went to the next table. I overheard them talking about a professor who resembled someone from my college. Ofcourse I didn't do anything to satisfy my curiosity.

The other two arrived after a while and they both seemed pretty flustered, especially Kristen. The reason? They couldn't find the cafe and it was raining heavily. I don't understand these two. If they properly followed the map like I did, they wouldn't have had much problem. Besides, I'm the one who came from another neighborhood/suburb but could still figure my way out in their's. PLUS the cafe was literally just a lane away from that German place we went to the last time! How could they not figure it out?!

Anyways, after Kristen calmed down amd handed over her books (she and her sister wanted to give away some of their books and Venus and I claimed one each), we examined the menu. Ultimately, we called in the waiter/manager to explain the menu.

We ordered for Albondigas En Salsa from the Tapas/ small plates section and Empanada and Pasta from the Platos/ big plates section. We also had some lemonade and kambucha for drinks.

The food, though expensive (for the quantity), was frickin' delicious! We had a great time catching up, talking about various things (apart from Kristen and my college because we swore not to). We took some pictures and then went to yet another cafe nearby cause Venus wanted some chai.

She told us about this person who came and went away from her life in the past couple of months. She didn't really give a name or any major details about the person but from whatever she did tell us, it felt like a slightly sad but a dream like story.

It was around 2:30PM by the time we left for home.

In the evening, I accompanied dad to go do some veges shopping.

Mom also had a social outing today with her kitty group so she told me about it when she came back home. They first had a shopping game where each lady would choose something for the lady whose chit she picked up. Seems interesting and slightly scary. Good for mom tho.

After shopping, they ended up going to a pub. They do that more often than not. Mom calls it a youth place but does she forget that she probably won't allow her own "youth" to go there? Like honestly! Everytime she goes to one of these places, she tells me about how they cater to a younger audience, completely forgetting that I'm most probably the same age as those "young people". Looks like I'm going to have to take opportunities like these to finally convince her to let me go out partying as well.

You know one of the reasons why I can't tell my parents that I've had drinks with friends (I mean apart from the obvious reason that they seem hell bent on disallowing me from drinking "because I'm a girl")? It's because at least one other person also hasn't told their parents that they drink.

With Paloma and Nigel, Paloma's parents don't know. With Kristen, Venus, Paul and other college friends, Kristen's parents don't know. With school friends, Mia's parents don't know. With childhood friends, Sasha, Sia and Nicole's parents don't know.

Boy, if this journal comes out then it'll be the death of all us. But I kinda get a kick out of this risk.


An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now