29 May, 2019.

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I was honestly terrified of today's paper. I had obviously studied quite a lot yesterday but this was the first time during these exams I felt like I'll totally become blank during the paper.

I left my house as per us(ual) and got a rick on time, also as per us(ual). But today I got caught up in a bit of a traffic near my centre. 

After reaching the centre, I always check the notice board every single day to confirm my classroom. It's never changed but today it did. Maybe because of the optional papers. 

That wasn't the only difference tho. For the past 5 papers, we've always been allowed to go sit in our classroom regardless of how early we arrive. Today was no different except for the fact that the (changed) classroom was locked. Immediately I began worrying whether today's my turn to suffer the "this-is-not-your-centre" scare that some of my classmates experienced during the first exam. But in the back of my mind, I knew that I had come to trust my centre and was confident that they won't mess up. Atleast not to this level. 

Fortunately, I got a place to sit outside the classroom until one of the college personnel unlocked the room. Honestly, it took some time to get used to being in another classroom. My seat was again towards the wall so that was good. What was not good was that my desk (and a couple others around me) was filled words written in pencil. As per my knowledge, there were three different exams being held at different timings during the day. I'm guessing there was cheating galore during one of their papers. I made sure to let the invigilator be aware of the fact so that she didn't think I'd done it.

I was panicking way too much before the paper. Even then I helped some guy/man get to his correct seat. He seemed to take that as an opportunity to try and get me to teach him something. To me he looked like one of those people my mom described as the ones who probably didn't get much time to prepare for these exams. Frankly, he did look scary but not someone who'd cause much harm. But I didn't help him because I had my own revision to do. Also, what if helping him would have made him want me to help him during the exam as well? I was not ready to take that risk. I had so far not been in that situation and I wanted it to stay that way.

On to the paper now. It was... good! Surprisingly! I didn't blank out and had an answer to all the questions. Woohoo! 

After the paper, a random guy who was sitting on the bench next to me came and asked me if my hands/arms don't ache (by writing so much). Lol! I have definitely noticed some people staring at me during the papers (because I am constantly writing something the entire time) but no one had outright pointed it out to me. And oh, I didn't really say it to the guy but the answer to his question is HECK YES. 

I was in a really good mood after coming back home and decided to try out that ramen I bought the other day. The preparation was a little a different than normal. I strictly went by the instructions on the packet and cooked the noodles in boiling water for about 5 mins before pouring out most of the water. Unlike our masala powder, this one had a sauce that had to be mixed with the noodles sans gas. 

I'm not really a cheese person which is why I was slightly disappointed when I realised what flavour of ramen I had picked up. Turns out, I was the one who ended up needing the cheese powder more than Alex did. The packet had said that these were the "Hot/Fiery" noodles but as per my experience, spicy for another country had never been at the Indian spicy level so I hadn't expected much...


I found myself coughing and in need of some cold ass water after only the first bite. My mouth was on fire! I'm the flag bearer of instant noodles at my house but I wasn't even able to complete my share of the noodles. It's sad considering I really liked the flavour. I'm surprised how Alex was able to bear the heat tho. My lips were red while he seemed completely fine. Kinda hurt my pride. Even though Alex has a much more spice bearing capacity, I thought I wasn't too far behind. :(

I didn't study today AT ALL. I had no intention to. I have about 9-10 days before my next (and the final) paper so I can afford to waste a day or two. Hope I don't get too carried away tho.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now