28 July, 2019.

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I wasn't able to update yesterday and this chapter will tell you why. I shall first talk about yesterday's events and then move on to today.


As decided, I only did cardio today.

After coming back home, it was time for Gift Search Round 2. Today I made a good progress. I found a website that sold exactly the kind of bags mom wanted. They were slightly on the expensive side but that was perfectly fine with Alex and I. At the end of that day, I found something that mom liked. And that's not an easy job.

I took a hair bath in the afternoon and then started getting ready for today's party at Aunt S' house. Aunt S is what you can call a social butterfly. She likes meeting people and now that she has shifted into her new house, she's putting all her party/ get-together plans in motion. Today she called not just the usual cousin fam gang, but her other cousins as well.

I initially wore a knee length beachy dress but changed into palazzos instead after getting some indirect criticism. I really need to go to Goa just to wear that dress.

We reached the place and surprisingly weren't the first ones to. Uncle A's family had already arrived so we didn't have to wait much for the drinks to start rolling in. I went for my vodka and since there were a lot of people in the living room, us youngsters usurped Amanda's room and got our own snack bar/bowls set up. Soon the other families arrived as well and we youngsters had a great time playing cards and singing. And yeah, we had a lot of booze. And I mean A LOT of booze.

Sometime during the party I decided to test my capacity. I wanted to know how many drinks I could handle at one time. And this was the best opportunity. First of all, my parents were around me and they knew I was drinking so one major problem is solved. Besides, I was at my closest cousin's place and around my cousins. Even if I wasn't really close to all of them, I could trust them to take care of me.

And so I drank. Eventually, everyone who was drinking went to one room and that included my dad. He seemed hella tipsy and didn't mind me drinking at all. Alex tried to prohibit me from drinking more cause he himself was on the verge of being drunk. But my chef cousin, Kevin, shooed him off and told me to let loose and have fun. He instead gave me the rum drink that he had prepared.

I had an alcohol 101 lesson with Uncle A and Kevin where they were trying to make me understand the difference between being tipsy and being drunk. And we danced a lot!

When they called us for dinner, everyone left the room except Alex, Amanda, another cousin and me. The two girls were perfectly fine cause hadn't had much or anything to drink. Alex seemed sleepy and I wasn't sure if he could understand much of what was going around us. To be honest, even I was highly buzzed. Alex wanted to drink one more glass (of whiskey) but Kevin came in and stopped him. He said Alex had had a lot to drink and took him to another room. That's when I stopped drinking as well. I knew that if I had had one more drink, then I'd be just like or maybe even worse than Alex.

So I guess 6-7 glasses is my capacity. It seems less but boy I'm really not going to challenge it.

Not after what I witnessed in the next couple of hours.

After Alex was taken to the other room, we all gathered in the living room to take a group photograph. Someone brought Alex out as well and the boy couldn't walk whatsoever.

Throughout the time I was having dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about Alex. I had never seen him like this before and it scared me. He had to go with his project mate to a "hardware market" of sorts tomorrow and I don't think that was going to be possible now. For some reason I wanted to let his project partner know that but I didn't have his number. I did have Alex' best friends' number and tried calling him and then sent a long ass message to him when he didn't pick up.

Just thinking about it makes me CRINGEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I probably irritated the fuck out of Amanda asking her if I was as drunk as Alex. He was passed out in another room so it was decided that the two of us would stay over while mom would take dad home. She obviously wouldn't have been able to handle three drunk humans. I was surprised mom took all of this pretty calmly. She didn't even look angry.

When they were leaving, I touched their feet as a sign of respect. Even though I have been brought up to respect elders, I don't think I would've done it if I wasn't in that state. Nobody is going to allow me to forget about it now. I'm sure. It's going to be one of those anecdotes.

Anyways, after everyone left, I helped Amanda and Kevin in clearing everything up. The effect of the alcohol was slowly starting to go away so I was more or less in my senses by then.

Alex on the other had another way of getting the alcohol out of his system. Yes, he pucked. And this is why I won't drink beyond my capacity. Alex and I both never wanted to drink up to a point where we puked and I know Alex is going to be so disappointed when he learns about it tomorrow morning. I kept apologizing to Aunt S on Alex's behalf.

Since I can't go near vomit and not puke myself, Kevin took care of Alex. He removed his top, cleaned him up, cleaned the bed sheets as well as the bathroom. He had even taken care of us during the party. Thanks a lot Kevin. I knew we could trust you.

At around 4AM, I finally went off to sleep. Amanda had already given me her clothes for the night so that wasn't an issue.

Oh what a day.


Today I surprisingly woke up at 8:30AM. I thought it would take a long time for me to wake up considering the time I slept and condition I was in at the time.

After about an hour, we woke Alex up. He seemed to remember most part of last night. He just wasn't able to remember the time we took the group pictures. And that he had actually puked more than what he thought he did. He felt bad (bruised ego included) even if he forgot only a little. I already knew this would happen tho.

Alex's Robot Friend is probably not going to let us (mostly Alex) forget about last night, even if nothing major happened. Why did I even try to contact him?!!!

At around 10AM, we booked a cab and left for home. Mom had already left for her college friends' day trip out of town (by 5AM or something). Dad didn't really say much about last night. Apart from Alex's brief apologies, we didn't talk about our (slightly out-of-hand) drinking experience at all.

Dad made really tasty lamb for lunch today and I went off to sleep in the afternoon. I got up only in the evening. I cut some onions and mom came home shortly before dinner. She was really tired due to lack of sleep so we spoke a little about her day and then she went off to sleep. I made the chapati dough and now I'm off to sleep as well.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now