30 May, 2019.

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Yep, no studies today. 

I'm not back on YouTube but I've started catching up on the Mafia TV show that Yena is staring in. I just couldn't help myself and I don't even feel guilty. YouTube is my go to place when I'm not studying and if I'm off YouTube and also not in a mood to study, I need to cut myself some slack.

And the episodes are worth it. Not sure if it's an act for the cameras but the fixed cast for the show really seem like they get along pretty well now. I'm happy for Yena. She's also leading the game as of the 10th episode so that's another positive. 

Coming to some negative news now. Darcy left her job. She was one of the first people in college to get a job offer post the campus placement fair, even though she was interning at another company at the time. This company (start up) required her to join them pretty much right away. I have been vocal about my opinion of not working before exams but to each his/her own. Gurtley had told me about the firm cause even she had gotten an offer from them and wanted advice on whether or not to accept it. From what she had told me, I had come to a conclusion that the firm was in desperate need of people and would load you with work, thus making it extra difficult to concentrate on studies. 

I was correct but things were apparently worse. Everything was hunky dory before Darcy actually joined them. The people seemed great, the JD seemed great, the pay package seemed great, etc. But when she joined them, she wasn't given any sort of briefing about the company, it's products and all that. She was dumped with tasks without any proper guidance. There were quite a few "creative difference" issues in the mix as well. 

More than anything, according to Darcy, her boss was a bitch to her. Didn't go into the specifics but by the looks of it, the boss has said some pretty nasty things to her. 

She told me that she would work for about 12 hours a day in the office, come back home tired and crying and still work at home, leaving no time or energy to study. During the interview, they seemed pretty supportive. They said they'll give her a leave so that her exams don't suffer. And they did give a leave but all of 15 days, including the exams itself. And her exams took up 10 days of it. Wtf. 

They would call her up even during the exams and by that time, she had had enough. So she left the job today. And her boss didn't even care. According to her, Darcy wasn't that productive anyways (shocking).

Now Darcy is known to twist words around at times and portray things in a slightly different way than they actually are but she has pride enough not to leave her job in just a month so I guess things were really not good. She was smart enough to get the HR to give her an internship certificate instead of an employment one.

Even though I have increasingly started despising her over the years, I do feel bad for her. I'm surprised why she would call me tho. We haven't been in touch for quite some time now and she randomly called and told me all this. Hmm...

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now