27 May, 2019.

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Studying was more productive than it was the last two days. But there was an incident that made my study sessions very irregular. 

Our optional subjects' exams started today, the first one being Tax. I had my reasons for not taking up tax and looks like it was a good decision?

In 2016, there was a major change in the Indian Tax Laws. We shifted from the VAT system to the GST system. Now my University/Board is infamous for not tweaking their portion according to the real life changes but somehow this year they decided to introduce GST chapters scrapping out the VAT ones. 

That did pose as a disadvantage because our batch was the first one to be tested on the new portion so nobody knew what kind of questions would be asked. That was also fine but what wasn't fine was what happened during the exams. 

Apparently, almost all centres were given the papers for the old portion, including the centre within the University itself! How the hell could they mess up so bad?! In the beginning, the authorities at my classmates' respective centres refused to belief that that was the wrong paper but eventually they got the correct paper. But this took a lot of time. Some centres had to wait for about 45 mins, some for an hour and half and there were two centres who weren't given the correct paper at all! It was a mess! I don't even want to put myself in their shoes. I know I would have been beyond panicked if something like this happened to me. 

But seriously, this was a new low for the University. This has never happened to us before.

Let's hope that I don't face the same problem on the 29th.

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