My first ever day at the gym.
We woke up by 6:30AM, freshened up a little and went to the gym. Oh, reminder, I need to get a new gym bag and sports shoes. We reached the gym, got changed (we're not supposed to come to the gym wearing our gym shoes) and were handed over to a general trainer. The gym was filled with people today. Looks like our time is the peak time. Dammit.
Anyways, the general trainer made us do a couple of warm up exercises and we then moved on to the main mission for the day, cardio. We had to to use three machines to do so. The first one was the cycle. Now we have a stationary cycle at home but this one had a lot of buttons that I needed to figure out. It apparently showed my heart rate, the distance I traveled, the calories I burnt and the time lapsed. We could change the difficultly levels as well but I know it's going to take a long time before I start using that button.
We were instructed to cycle for 15 mins, press the "cool down" button and then cycle until the countdown stops us. So in total it was a 18 min duration. I have obviously cycled before but this one was pretty unsatisfactory cause I kept slipping from my seat. I wasn't able to catch up with Alex whatsoever. In fact the distance between us kept increasing until I was about 40 miles behind him. I swore not to beat myself over it tho. Alex had warned me not to compare myself to the others in the gym and that included him too.
The second machine was a treadmill. The gym has around 7-8 treadmills but they were all occupied so Alex and I had to wait until one got free. The trainer explained to me the mechanics of the treadmill and I began doing my thing. I'm pretty sure he must have had a good laugh because I was walking at a very slow speed throughout those 18 mins. But hey, it's my first day. I am not going to overestimate my balance and then end up embarrassing myself when I fall down.
We had to wait a little more to go onto the final machine- the elliptical machine. I think this one's my favourite out of all the three machines I used today. It's probably because this was the last machine I used but I had a good sweat after those 18 mins and I liked it. It felt like I had exercised.
I thought we were done with today's gymming session but were taken to the stretching equipment. The trainer showed us how to use it and advised us to do so everytime we finished with gymming for the day. I already knew that I wasn't flexible but boy I am soooooo stiff. My maximum ability was pathetic as per normal standards. Anyways, it was 8:40AM by the time we left the gym. Alex raced his scooter cause his first lecture was to begin at 9AM. We'll probably have to go a little more early or get done with things fast so that Alex is not at a loss of time.
I didn't really do anything constructive for the rest of the day. But I did communicate with friends whom I hadn't replied to since Friday onwards I guess.
It's Alex's Robot friend's birthday so he went for that. Good for him. Let me check if I'm missing someone's birthday myself. Cause there's a high chance of that happening.
An Outlet: Part 7
Non-FictionThis piece of writing is mostly for myself. I want this to act as my journal. I've always tried to see life from others' perspective. I think it's time to see it from mine. This can act as a rough draft of my life. If you're very nosy and want to kn...