22 August, 2019.

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Today was an eventful day.

I went to the University to go collect my final year marksheet and certificate. Before doing that, I spoke to one of my classmates. Our college was supposed to help him and a couple others secure a M.Com seat in my old college but that didn't happen. He plans to go to USA because he has a chance to avail the green card. For that, he wants work experience now and then go for an MBA degree. He did get a job through one of our sister college's placement drives but that turned out to be shit.

His plans are more or less like mine but he's gone ahead and enrolled for masters (to complete his 16 years of education) while I haven't taken any concrete step whatsoever.

Anyways, surprisingly I got my marksheet without waiting in a queue. I also went to the institute's masters section to enquire about their masters program. So here's the thing. Even if I hadn't had that talk with that Principal yesterday, I had made up my mind that I want to get back to the original education system from now on. I took a risk three years ago, it turned out to be both good and bad. Now, I don't want to "doubt" the validity of my courses anymore.

Which is why I began my quest to find the "main building" for regular M.Com enquiry. Turns out, a main building doesn't exist. The University has different departments that offer different courses. I asked the police/security present there and got to know that I needed to speak to the Department of Commerce. They also told me the name of the building and a rough route to reach it.

People used to say that the University is a jungle. I had found my building very easily the first time I visited the place and it was has always been full of people whenever I've been there. But my goodness I agree with those people now.

I had to go through under-constructed buildings, jump over walls, go though mud and the dense deserted forest like area to finally fucking locate the building. The shitty looking building might I add.

I wonder why my institute was built better, is well maintained and populated unlike this regular course offering part of the Uni. So much so for having "Global recognition".

Somehow I found my way to the desired office (because the place housed more than one department). The dude sitting there seemed intimidating but answered all of my questions. All admissions end tomorrow and even though they say that classes are from 10 to 6, the Seminar hall was shut, signifying that there wasn't a single soul attending college. Dude, I really don't want this to be my college. I can't.

I tried to find my way out of the maze and luckily got a rick right away. Pretty adventurous experience.

I came back home, watch a bit of Mentalist with Alex. After tasting a bit of the pasta and pizza that Alex and mom had ordered I left for my lunch meet as well.

So yesterday, Paloma called me up saying that "the fifth friend" wanted to meet up but she wasn't comfortable meeting him alone. So who are the cock-blockers who suddenly decided to join them? Nigel and me. I was chill with it because I've met that guy at least two times this year and it hasn't been awkward.

I met Nigel at the station and then after many changes with the venue, went to a popular chain of cafes that transforms into a bar at night. Guy tried hard to make us drink but I'm pretty stubborn that way. Not gonna break Shravan so easily. Nigel also had some religious thing to follow and turned down the alcohol offer. Paloma wasn't so lucky. She's still a bit scarred from her last drunk experience but managed to limit herself to just one drink.

We ate Burmese Khowsuey, fries and fritters. They were SO GOOD! At one point I forgot that I was with other people and just concentrated on my tasty Khowsuey. It was THAT good.

We spoke a little about our "next steps". The four of us are more or less aiming for a similar career so there was a lot of "advice giving" that we indulged in. So currently, Paloma is preparing for GMAT so if things go well, she'll be studying in the US (mostly) and getting an MBA/Master's degree and then look for a job (again, mostly in the US. At least that's what I'm assuming). Nigel is doing MSc. in Finance and is also giving CFA. Don't know if he'll go for another course or work after this current one gets over. The other guy still has another year left as a part of his 4 year Global bachelor's degree. He's going to be in Australia for a year and is currently applying for jobs in other countries through referrals.

They suggested I do online courses in Financial Management and Risk Management. Maybe I'll give that a go.

The other guy had got his car so we took a big round around the area and then went to really nice looking desert place. We spent quite some time there and laughed a lot. I was also really sleepy for some reason.

We went to the seaside and stayed there watching the sunset and listening to songs. After that, the dude dropped us at the station and I came back home really tired.

A long but interesting day.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now