3 September, 2019.

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Today at the gym, the first thing we did was take my measurements and BMI. The BMI machine said something along the lines of "slightly overweight" so :|

After that, the trainer made me have a go on all of the damn machines. She broke my legs first followed by my arms. I went on about 9-10 machines in total followed by a couple of exercises with dumbles. Do people really do all this in one go?! That's crazy!

Cause I took the lightest weights and I still wasn't able to do well. In fact, by the time I came to dumbles, my strength was in shambles. The trainer made things look so easy. But dude, it's so fucking difficult.

I came back home sore but not as sore as I expected. My legs were unusually fine but I couldn't lift my arms beyond a certain point for long.

I took a bath, got ready in another pair of traditional clothes and left for Venus'. This has become yet another household that I visit during Ganesh Chaturthi. I reached her place by 12:15PM and easily spent over an hour and a half talking to her, obviously after the Ganesh darshan. She's also giving her entrance exams this year and contrary to what I expected, she was happy that I'm giving it a shot. I had honestly expected her to indirectly tell me that I'm late for this year's exam and it'll be even more tough for me and all of that. But nope. Love her! She just boosted my confidence.

After coming back home, I rested for an hour and then mom, dad and I headed to another place for Ganpati. Alex couldn't join us cause he had college. Our cab got stuck in traffic due to heavy rains. Even then, we were the first ones to reach. That's unusual.

When there were sufficient amount of visitors in the house, we began with the Ganpati Aarti. I think I've been visiting this house during Ganpati since my school days and my mom's cousin and his wife have always been at the centre of the pujas and ceremonies. But now that their son is married, he and his wife took the centre stage this time. This is that Maharashtrian-Bengali couple whose wedding I attended in March.

As always, we left after they left for Ganpati visarjan. Mom ate a sandwich on the way to the station and we took a train back home. After dinner, I did a bit of research on a couple of colleges. I need to buck up cause I'll have to start applying for the individual colleges and thereafter figure my study scenes.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now