27 June, 2019.

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Amanda's family is keeping their house warming ceremony tomorrow and they called mom and I to help them with the preparations.

There used to be a lot of mess at their old house and their new house was also beginning to look cluttered. And you don't want that when you've got guests coming over right? So mom and I took charge of the kitchen and rearranged/ cleared/ cleaned quite a lot of things (including the fridge) cause it desperately needed it. We then went on to do the same with the living room and I spent my afternoon arranging Aunt S' wardrobe.

Back at home, Alex finally ordered from that German place I'd been asking him to!

Amanda came back from college in the evening but immediately left to go to the parlour with Aunt S. She asked if I'd like to accompany her but I was too tired by that time to go out anywhere. Afterall, I had had a really busy day.

I think it's pretty much understood that the names used in this journal series are made up names, right? While texting Venus, I mistakenly named Alex as "Alex" instead of his actual name🙈🙈

Hope she doesn't quiz me more about it.

I had gone off Insta around March and just got back after exams got over. I have not been active on the app for much longer than that. In fact the time I posted something (before March) was June 2018. I don't mind not posting a lot but I have a tendency to like the pictures on my feed. And I don't even follow that many people. I hadn't done that in a long time so today I had an Insta spam session. I knew I was going to look like a stalker but I didn't care.

Tomorrow's probably going to be a busy day so I should go get some sleep.

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