1 June, 2019.

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I studied a little bit yesterday but today, not really. Our WiFi is not working and it's pissing me off. I have a 2GB per day pack but it gets exhausted before I can even watch a full Mafia show episode (which, to be fair, is almost 1 and a half hour long). 

This should be good for me because now I wouldn't be able to get distracted but dude, I will not study if I'm not in a mood to. 

Amanda's family has started shifting to their new place and Aunt S desperately needed mom to help her out so she's gone to stay with them over the weekend. 

Alex and I specifically instructed her not to make food for us. Which is why we were able to able to order ourselves one of the meal boxes I had ordered last month. It was good but now I would like to try out some other place next time. 

Oh today I got to know that Hannah also left her job. What is happening man?!

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