10 July, 2019.

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The first thing I did today was knead the dough. Yeah. And this time I took much more flour than last time. It takes a lot of time bro! I don't know how women have the time and strength to do this everyday!

Oh, and I didn't just make the dough, I rolled the chapatis as well. I've done it before but they've never been close to a circle. But today, first of all, my chapatis turned on their own for the first time! And they were close to being circles this time! Yay! I feel so happy!

I watched the second part of the India vs. New Zealand semi finals. India picked up 2 wickets before the 1st innings got over. I stopped watching after India lost 3 wickets right at the beginning of our innings...

Instead, I decided to visit a gym. So there is this gym that's fairly near my house (around 10 mins by drive, 20 mins on foot) that has tied up with a club we're members of. Which means that we're allowed to use the facilities of that gym without applying for their membership i.e for free.

I tried exercising at home but that didn't work out (ay, see what I did there). I kept procrastinating it because I could. Mom says that we should be careful before joining a gym because we'll gain weight 2x if we ever stop gymming. This was the reason I wasn't so keen on joining one. But after watching all these vlogs, I feel like I want to give it a try. In any case, I'm not paying for it so even if it doesn't work out for me and I stop going to the gym, I won't feel guilty of wasting money.

I had been asking my family to accompany me for so long (because I can't do shit on my own) but they kept putting that responsibility on the other family members.

So I walked the entire way to gym, amidst the hard rain. My legs were soaked by the time I entered the building that looked like a corporate one. I entered the gym and one of the trainers showed me around. He briefly explained all the equipments they had, the changing room, the measurement room, the yoga room and the "express gymming equipment room" as I like to call it. There weren't a lot of people at the gym (maybe because of the rain and that majority people prefer gymming in the morning) but as expected the women to men ratio was about 1:5.

The gym itself was pretty good tho. I have been to gyms around my area before when Alex was on a hunt for one and this gym seems to be among the better ones. I enquired about the membership fee just for my knowledge and let's just say not paying a penny (directly) for this gym is a bloody good deal.

I've been following BTS for over a year and a half now and I still keep wondering at what point did I completely get convinced with the boys, atleast musicwise. I thought about it really hard today and from what I remember, there were certain parts of BTS' songs that I first listened to (when I didn't know their names) that gradually pulled me in deeper to get to know the boys. I'll try to put it in a chronological order.

DNA- frankly, not the MV or the song but the Late Late Show performance that started everything in the first place.

Mic Drop- Suga's rap, Jimin, JHope and V's pre chorus.

Not Today- Post bridge chorus dance

Fire- Post bridge chorus dance.

I was so blown away by Fire that I wanted to watch more of it. I came across one of BTS' live performances (now I know that it was their MMA 2016 performance). But before I could hear Fire, they performed a different song. I hadn't heard that song before and frankly I didn't even realise that those were the members' voices. I was mesmerized by both the performance as well as the song.

This song was Blood Sweat and Tears. I think it's one of BTS' best songs. There are two parts in this song that mentally takes me back to December'17 or just the exact moment where I heard the song for the first time.

The voice that harmonized with RM during his rap and V's chorus part. For some reason, whenever I hear these two parts, to this day it reminds me of how.... intimidated(?) I was when I heard it for the first time and watched them person on such a big stage in front of so many. And it was after this as well as their MAMA 2016 performance when I really got into BTS and began looking for the member's names.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now